First CNA/Clinical Job interview on hopistal Psych Floor


Specializes in Nursing Education, CVICU, Float Pool.

I need your advice again guys!!!! As ya'll know I recently graduated from HS June 11th and passed my CNA exam on July 17th, and now I have a job interview at my local hoospital tomorrow to be a CNA/ Psych attendant on the psychiatric ward. WHat specific or special advice do you have for the interview besides the standard dress appropiately and stay profressional and respectful. I was shocked to get callled in for an interview after submitting my application and resume online. I thought that, if any others applied, I wouldnot even get called in because who ever else applied would more than likely have more experience than me and would be older than I was. I am happy t oget the interview. The lady from human resources said they liked my resume though, which is a shocker.

Thanks in advance,


Specializes in psychiatric, med/surg, cardiac, LTC, HHA.

I Love psychiatric, I ran a 12 bed AFC (Adult Foster Care)Home for Adults with mental impairments, TBIs and neurological impairments. Its Not for everyone, but I Loved it, Its what got me into Nursing. As for what they ask, I recently Interview at a Psychiatric Hospital, and had 3 interviews the same day, with different people. the last was set up like a board, (as when I interviewed with the police department, 4 people asking you questions at the same table)

I had alot of expereince, so I was able to come up with answers related to them, mostly questions regarding your strenths/weaknesses, any crisis situations what did you do, how have you solved problems, what makes a good supervisor, if you had to physically restrain someone (If they were being combatitive, and needed shots, etc) would you be able to? where do you plan to be in 5/10 years? goals? and make sure you do a little reasearch about the place, how many beds, know your job description, and BE CONFIDENT, make eye contact, reassure them that you are the BEST candidate, (IF you feel it, it shows)

Specializes in Hospice, cardiac Tele, psych, agency'.

I've been on my psych floor for 6 months now and I know ALL units are different but most interviews I have been to are the same. You need to give honest answers to such questions like "What are your strengths" "Give an explanation of a conflict you had with a coworker and how did you resolve it?" "What do you need to work on?" "Where do you see yourself in 5 years (or 1 year)". Remember that people who are in the position to interview you are very skilled at seeing through the bull..Prove that you are HONESTLY willing to try anything with 100%!! And don't be afraid to be proactive and interview the person interviewing you. It is JUST as important that the position fits your needs and personality. Good luck! If it doesn't work out, chalk it up to experience for the next interview.

Specializes in Nursing Education, CVICU, Float Pool.

Oh, I forgot to update you guys. The hospitals human resources department called me back 4 days ago and I got the job!!!!!!!! I'm estatic!!!! I start work in next week! Aug 16th! Thanks for the advice!

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