First clinical rotation: ortho surgery!


I'm in my second term of first year nursing in a new BN program, and for our very first rotation i'm one of the 7/225 students on a surgical unit. I have experience working on ortho as a HCA at my local hospital (geriatrics) which i'm hoping will benefit me quite a bit! I'm still a little bit nervous but mostly excited.

We had orientation today, and covered alot about the kinds of surgeries that comes through our units (mostly hips and knees), weight bearing restrictions, pain managemtn postop, etc. A lot of information to digest.

So, we don't have any surgical theory experience, or pharmacology, and we're just learning injections now in skills. (IV's will be next term, after this rotation.)

I'm hoping someone has some information or experiences to share that would be benefical to me! What things should I research ahead of time? What are some things you wish someone told you before your surigical practicum? We are on Christmas break starting monday, so I plan on looking more into the fractures and the process of hip & knee surgeries. Are there any sites that really helped you out?

Thank you!


Specializes in LTC, Memory loss, PDN.

I did an ortho gig about 15 years ago so I don't have up to date info. I do remember seeing a lot of shoulders (rotator cuffs) as well. Keeping up with pain meds was job 1 and most patients were very pleased with my choice of IM site, the ventrogluteal site.

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