Finding a Job with a Probationary Status License

Nurses Criminal


Hi Everyone:

I desperately need some help.

I received my license in September of 2010, and have applied everywhere I can think of. I have only had 3 interviews out of 150+ applications. It is now been 8 months, and still no job.

My license is probationary due to a misdemeanor I had in 2001 regarding battery due to self defense. Supposedly, my probationary status will be lifted upon satisfactory completion of 6 months employment as a nurse.

Obviously, the problem appears that I will never get that chance at employment. There are better odds winning the lottery, I think.

I met with a lawyer who told me that the State where I live, Indiana, no longer allows expungement of records, and that I am wasting my time even looking for a job in the health field. From what I have experienced, I think he is very correct.

My question is: If I appealed the Nursing Board's decision to place me on probation, what are the odds, even if I had representation, of them lifting my probationary status? I just no longer know if I want to keep getting beat up this way.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me.

Leaving the U.S. is the only real answer. My cousins in Germany are highly educated and have to come here on business, but they do not like to. They say we are a "police state."

Americans are pretty much thought the world over to be stupid. The BBC hit comedy "Saxondale" (Steve Coogan) was slated to be shown in the U.S., but in the end Coogan and the producers did not think Americans would "get it". LOL

Where else in the world would you find a toothless person in a homeless shelter against universal health care? "That's socialism," they say. LOL

There isn't 3% of the American population who even know what socialism is.

To stay here truly wastes your life. Hugo Chavez says the U.S. Government somehow brainwashed the American public into thinking "the state" is more important than the people, when, in fact, it should be the other way around.

You know, in Libya, everyone has free healthcare; no utility bills; everyone gets a check for oil profits; higher education is free; and if you cannot find a job in your field, you still receive the salary for your profession. And they are rebelling! They do not want a dictatorship! LOL

What do we have to do to get Gaddaffi over here? LOL

Americans are too stupid to revolt.

Freedom means being able to pursue happiness unencumbered; you cannot do that in the U.S. if you have a misdemeanor or slow pay on your credit report.

I'm telling you, no convenience store in my town, Anderson, IN, will hire you with even a slow pay on your credit report. They won't even hire the Sheriff!

You cannot make sense out of the senseless, and anyone staying in the U.S. will have to try the rest of their lives to do just that. If you study the history of the country in real detail, you will find that this country never was worth the paper the Constitution was written on. Britain did not try very hard at all to keep us: they only committed a relatively small number of troops to the American Revolution. They committed MUCH more to fight Napoleon. The War of 1812 was actually nothing more than the Battle of New Orleans, and there Britain only committed 5,000 troops. LOL What I am saying is that America has never even won a war. George Washington, father of our country?? LOL Think again. What he really wanted was a British military commission--- he considered himself British! LOL Seriously. He only led us because the British denied him a military commission.

It just goes on and on. I am so ashamed to be an American. I literally walk around red-faced everyday. If Bin Laden had known the plight of everyday Americans, I doubt very much he would have waged his war of terrorism the way he did.

Leaving the U.S. is the only real answer. My cousins in Germany are highly educated and have to come here on business, but they do not like to. They say we are a "police state."

Americans are pretty much thought the world over to be stupid. The BBC hit comedy "Saxondale" (Steve Coogan) was slated to be shown in the U.S., but in the end Coogan and the producers did not think Americans would "get it". LOL

Where else in the world would you find a toothless person in a homeless shelter against universal health care? "That's socialism," they say. LOL

There isn't 3% of the American population who even know what socialism is.

To stay here truly wastes your life. Hugo Chavez says the U.S. Government somehow brainwashed the American public into thinking "the state" is more important than the people, when, in fact, it should be the other way around.

You know, in Libya, everyone has free healthcare; no utility bills; everyone gets a check for oil profits; higher education is free; and if you cannot find a job in your field, you still receive the salary for your profession. And they are rebelling! They do not want a dictatorship! LOL

What do we have to do to get Gaddaffi over here? LOL

Americans are too stupid to revolt.

Freedom means being able to pursue happiness unencumbered; you cannot do that in the U.S. if you have a misdemeanor or slow pay on your credit report.

I'm telling you, no convenience store in my town, Anderson, IN, will hire you with even a slow pay on your credit report. They won't even hire the Sheriff!

You cannot make sense out of the senseless, and anyone staying in the U.S. will have to try the rest of their lives to do just that. If you study the history of the country in real detail, you will find that this country never was worth the paper the Constitution was written on. Britain did not try very hard at all to keep us: they only committed a relatively small number of troops to the American Revolution. They committed MUCH more to fight Napoleon. The War of 1812 was actually nothing more than the Battle of New Orleans, and there Britain only committed 5,000 troops. LOL What I am saying is that America has never even won a war. George Washington, father of our country?? LOL Think again. What he really wanted was a British military commission--- he considered himself British! LOL Seriously. He only led us because the British denied him a military commission.

It just goes on and on. I am so ashamed to be an American. I literally walk around red-faced everyday. If Bin Laden had known the plight of everyday Americans, I doubt very much he would have waged his war of terrorism the way he did.

Yeah well, I was born in socialist country (before capitalism came there and impoverished everyone, except few)--we had government healthcare and it was the best. High quality doctors, all surgeries and procedures, like expensive MRI, for example, were available for free, and extended hospital stays for free (hospitals here, in the US, kick people out while they're still very ill and can't take care of themselves... there, hospitals INSISTED on patients staying and begged them to stay until they're fully recuperated). We had free rehabilitative care/physical therapy, and dirt-cheap medications.

Here, in the US, when I was a student in one town, I had a surgery and was kicked out, bleeding, without anyone to take me home, I passed out unconscious in a car, still under influence of pain medicines... a nightmare I never forget, it makes my blood go cold just to think of it. I called a lawyer and he said "Yes, I'm very sorry for what happened--this happens here all the time. We can't do anything against them". No one deserving a name "Doctor" or "Human" would sign a discharge for a patient in this condition--but this is OK here, apparently. People after major surgeries are released, only to cause them serious complications from early activity...then taken back for extra surgeries--just guess who profits from this? "Do not harm" basic principle of Medicine does not apply.

Americans are too afraid to protest any injustice--because guess what happens if they do? They'll get arrested and have... a permanent criminal record attached to them, that will mess up their future employment. So, people will quietly tolerate a lot of things. As to Bin Laden--he's a well known personal friend of families that had run US government for decades (BBC published happy photographs of family gatherings of Bin Ladens with US governing families), and opium money from Afghanistan that Bin Laden controlled went to pay for tons of US weapons sold to arm Afghans...qui pro quo.

I have a $15,000 bill on my credit (luckily, statue of limitations runs out in several months)... from 2 (two) emergency room visits that ONLY involved 2 CAT scans and doctor consultation, nothing else (and I was deemed healthy)--? Yes, anywhere outside the US this would sound like sci fiction.... Even a very poor country like Bangladesh has free healthcare--and even foreign visitors are eligible to get it. And look at the homeless, schizophrenic people that fill LA streets (very aggressive and violent often)... they can not have needed mental health care and terrorize city streets.

As to moving outside the US... people with money are already doing it. I know of business people with money--they're taking their funds outside the US, because they expect a meltdown here and generally are planning to leave the country. One thing though, if you move to a developed country, your record is likely to follow you, as they'd require a certificate from police agency and this would have electronic record of every thing attached to fingerprints.

I too am in your same position. I received my probationary Rn license last september. Since then I have applied for 100's of jobs and only had 6 interviews. Each place telling me that due to my probationary license they can not hire me. How am I suppose to get my regular license if I can not get a job and the one requirement is to have a job for a year. Sometimes it feels like I am the only nurse in the world on probation. Does anyone have any advise? Is there any course of action I can take? Should I just give up on nursing?

Life just isn't meant to be this tough. If they gave me a job as a nurse I do not even know if I would want it. You can only beg so long.

Hello everyone,

I found all of your comments very enlightening. I also have a story to add. I have been a nurse for 22 years. Years ago while working as a nurse where I had for 18 years, I utilized a company credit card for personal expenses. At the time, I had cancer, was taking care of my terminally ill father, was caring for a developmentally handicapped son and my husband walked out. When the credit card bill arrived at the office I paid it in full. The place was not happy I did it but did not press charges or fire me. They knew what I was going though and knew this was completely out of character. After that event and I recovered, I became a nurse practitioner. My first job was with a very abusive physician who was billing fraudulantly and was unethical with his practices. I resigned after only 5 months. Next, I began working with an oncologist and loved it! The physician I had previously worked for found out I was with a new employer, became furious and essentially went after me. First he sued me for breech of contract and sent a complaint to the board of nursing. They threw it out. He continued to harass me and pursue me. 6 months after I resigned from his practice, he somehow found out about my using the credit card in my past, and reported that to the BON. When they called I told the truth and did not think I would get into trouble because when it happened I didnt get in trouble. The board placed me on probation for 3 years and put a permanent restriction on my license to not be able to do any financial activities or my own billing. I stayed with the oncologist for almost 2 years, but it got to be too much for him knowing I had a license issue, and I resigned. I now work part time and make 1/3 of what I did. I do not make enough to survive right now. I have sent over 55 resumes in the past month. Only 3 interviews-all refusing me, 10 rejections and the rest unheard from. I know this seems like a John Grisham novel, but all is true. No criminal convictions, never fired, no drug/alcohol history, never a speeding ticket. It is hard to imagine that someone would want to destroy someones life. A permanent restriction is really bad for a nurse practitioner. I cannot certify in anything, further any nursing education, teach or supervise nurses, work in most hospitals, some insurance companies will not credential me, cannot work for any governmental agency, etc. This leaves very little left. I am working on a doctorate in health education to do something different because my future is dim. I have to give up my dreams.

Sorry to ramble and thanks for listening. Just wanted to share my plight!

Hi Cinbar,

Your story leaves me speechless. You understand, then, that it is impossible to relate these tales to most people because 99% of the population would not believe it. LOL People just look at me with a blank expression when I tell them I am an unemployed nurse. You would think a nurse practisioner would be above some of these things; but, I guess they even go after those at the top.

I know from friends and relatives in Europe that this is an American problem--- guess we ran out of minorities to be biased against. Accountability is one thing, but it seems the various B.O.N.'s take it too far over here. They have to know one cannot do anything with a probationary license. Why don't they just bar those with probationary licenses?

Eleven months into my ordeal and I still haven't decided what to do. I am waiting on my expungement to take effect, then I will try another massive round of applications. I do know I am going to set myself a time limit, after which I will never look back.

Again, with your level of nursing education, no one in nursing is safe from this. It is like working for a company who constantly threatens to lay off. Talk about insecurity. Well, maybe our tales will make others think twice about what they are getting into. I wish I would have read this forum before I started nursing school.

Hi everyone,

I finally have some good news!!! I think that i will be allowed to get a probationary license, that is what the hearing officer will reccommend to the board, I'm praying that they approve it & not object. My attorney will contact me as soon as he gets word. The probation can be removed after I pay all my fines from my misdemeanor conviction, so now i'm wondering if I should wait to sit for nclex, until I can pay off my fines? I'm asking because even once they remove it won't it remain on my license for employers & anyone to see? I keep hearing that no one will want to hire me with a probationary license anyway, what do you all think i should do? The only problem is that I graduated almost 6 months ago & I'm eager to get the exam over with, also my fines taotal almost 10K, but wouldn't it be worth borrowing money to pay so i can get a uncumbered license?

I have read several of your posts. I can understand your frustration. My question is what did you do before you were a nurse. As much as people dream of being a nurse it is really not all it is cracked up to be.

Hi Everyone:

I desperately need some help.

I received my license in September of 2010, and have applied everywhere I can think of. I have only had 3 interviews out of 150+ applications. It is now been 8 months, and still no job.

My license is probationary due to a misdemeanor I had in 2001 regarding battery due to self defense. Supposedly, my probationary status will be lifted upon satisfactory completion of 6 months employment as a nurse.

Obviously, the problem appears that I will never get that chance at employment. There are better odds winning the lottery, I think.

I met with a lawyer who told me that the State where I live, Indiana, no longer allows expungement of records, and that I am wasting my time even looking for a job in the health field. From what I have experienced, I think he is very correct.

My question is: If I appealed the Nursing Board's decision to place me on probation, what are the odds, even if I had representation, of them lifting my probationary status? I just no longer know if I want to keep getting beat up this way.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me.

I am in your same postition. I now live in Arizona but my misdemeanor occured in Indiana. I have been applying for jobs for over a year and a half with no success. I have received a few offers but they either take back offer due to my misdemeanor or due to my probational license, which has no restrictions! I really have no hope for my career in nursing and wonder if its worth while to even consider keeping my license and jumping through the hoops the board of nursing requires. I know I can not be the only nurse in Tuscon with a probational license but I feel I am the only nurse that can not get a job. Anyone that has advice i would appreciate.

In response to tiger 747's post: (old post but I just read it and had to respond)

I received my license in September of 2010, and have applied everywhere I can think of. I have only had 3 interviews out of 150+ applications. It is now been 8 months, and still no job.

My license is probationary due to a misdemeanor I had in 2001 regarding battery due to self defense. Supposedly, my probationary status will be lifted upon satisfactory completion of 6 months employment as a nurse.

What people fail to understand about battery is that there is a major difference between hurting someone (actual battery) and the law's loose and all-inclusive definition of battery (such as pushing someone or yanking something out of their hand). In my town, even the supposed "victim" now goes to jail on the reasoning that a conflict is-- and I quote--- "mutually combative." The municipality gets double the revenue this way.

The second thing people forget about battery is a thing called "emotional investment." Because you slap your child, or slap your boyfriend when you walk in on him sleeping with your sister, in no way can be extrapolated to mean you will strike my elderly father in a LTC facility. Well, I suppose if you fall in love with him and catch him with the 90-year-old down the hall. LOL In other words, there are extenuating circumstances-- namely passion. That is why we say "all is fair in love and war." Not every aspect of our lives needs to be controlled by the law.

Leaving the U.S. is the only real answer. My cousins in Germany are highly educated and have to come here on business, but they do not like to. They say we are a "police state."

Americans are pretty much thought the world over to be stupid. The BBC hit comedy "Saxondale" (Steve Coogan) was slated to be shown in the U.S., but in the end Coogan and the producers did not think Americans would "get it". LOL

Where else in the world would you find a toothless person in a homeless shelter against universal health care? "That's socialism," they say. LOL

There isn't 3% of the American population who even know what socialism is.

To stay here truly wastes your life. Hugo Chavez says the U.S. Government somehow brainwashed the American public into thinking "the state" is more important than the people, when, in fact, it should be the other way around.

You know, in Libya, everyone has free healthcare; no utility bills; everyone gets a check for oil profits; higher education is free; and if you cannot find a job in your field, you still receive the salary for your profession. And they are rebelling! They do not want a dictatorship! LOL

What do we have to do to get Gaddaffi over here? LOL

Americans are too stupid to revolt.

Freedom means being able to pursue happiness unencumbered; you cannot do that in the U.S. if you have a misdemeanor or slow pay on your credit report.

I'm telling you, no convenience store in my town, Anderson, IN, will hire you with even a slow pay on your credit report. They won't even hire the Sheriff!

You cannot make sense out of the senseless, and anyone staying in the U.S. will have to try the rest of their lives to do just that. If you study the history of the country in real detail, you will find that this country never was worth the paper the Constitution was written on. Britain did not try very hard at all to keep us: they only committed a relatively small number of troops to the American Revolution. They committed MUCH more to fight Napoleon. The War of 1812 was actually nothing more than the Battle of New Orleans, and there Britain only committed 5,000 troops. LOL What I am saying is that America has never even won a war. George Washington, father of our country?? LOL Think again. What he really wanted was a British military commission--- he considered himself British! LOL Seriously. He only led us because the British denied him a military commission.

It just goes on and on. I am so ashamed to be an American. I literally walk around red-faced everyday. If Bin Laden had known the plight of everyday Americans, I doubt very much he would have waged his war of terrorism the way he did.


Wow. There is so much anger and hate filled speech in your posts. Accepting responsibility for personal actions and not trying to rationalize and make excuses for our behavior will get us so much farther in life. You said "just because someone slaps their child or boyfriend, it can't be extrapolated that you will strike an elderly person in a LTC facility". I totally disagree; if someone's solution to conflict or personal frustration is to reach out and slap or push someone, I think it CAN be extrapolated that that person would conceivably slap or push someone in any situation in which they're feeling anger, frustration, etc.

Your dissatisfaction with living in the U.S. and the accompanying hate speech is another issue. Life is too short to stay somewhere (whether it's a job, marriage, country, etc.) when you obviously despise it! I could go on but I won't; enough negativity for one day.

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