Fight for Mandated Nurse - Patient Ratios Heats up - Pennsylvania

Nurses Activism

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There's a palpable air of excitement among nurses in Pennsylvania. For the first time in the state's history, a governor has voiced for nurse-to-patient staffing rules that would set a maximum number of patients an individual nurse can care for at once.

Many states across the country are fighting for legislation that addresses safer staffing ratios. These efforts are being met with staunch resistance from the hospital industry, saying "there simply isn't enough research to support a front-loaded investment in nursing staff" and there aren't enough nurses to hire in the first place. "Staffing mandates would force facilities to close".

A Pennsylvania nurse commented, "But we're on the ground. We're the ones doing the work day-to-day. We're the experts. Listen to us."

For more on this story that discusses staffing committees, patient acuity, debatable research and studies, hospital outcomes, patient satisfaction, and more, read:

Fight for mandated nurse-to-patents ratios heats up

Specializes in Mental Health, Gerontology, Palliative.

One only has do a search on this subject to find out that safe staffing ratios dont just benefit nurses but improve health outcomes for patients

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