fetal circulation


Specializes in long-term-care, LTAC, PCU.

Does anyone have any schematics,websites, or anything at all that could help me understand and remember fetal circulation? for some reason I'm having a difficult time with it. Thanks!:banghead:

Specializes in Orthopedic, Corrections.

my a&p prof has his own web site www.lionden.com

in a&p ii under learning outlines, is the cardiovascular section in there about halfway down it fetal circ

fetal circulation ga lion-bullet-2.gifspecial circulatory route prior to birth lion-bullet-3.gifumbilical cord lion-bullet-3.gifumbilical arteries (2)

lion-bullet-3.gifumbilical vein

lion-bullet-3.gifplacenta [color=#cc3300][color=#cc3300]pp

lion-bullet-3.gifductus venosus

lion-bullet-3.gifforamen ovale

lion-bullet-3.gifductus arteriosus

lion-bullet-2.gifchanges to normal adult pattern at time of birth

the direct web site is http://www.lionden.com/ap2out-cardio.htm

i love his site-i go there all the time when i forget things!!!

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.
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