Published Oct 12, 2006
tnbutterfly - Mary, BSN
83 Articles; 5,923 Posts
My dad who is 86 had a fem fem bypas a few years ago. His cardiologist told him yesterday that he wants to do an angiogram next week because he thinks his bypass is "clogged up". He anticipates doing angioplasty. My dad lives in FL and I live in TN. My sister lives near him and will go with him for the procedure. What are the risks associated with this, especially considering his age? How often is this done? I'm not even sure how common a fem fem bypass is. I went down for that surgery and it was a very lengthy procedure. At 86, my dad forgets things, but still is in fairly good shape. He lives alone. I plan on trying to get in touch with his doctor, but you know how that goes. He may or may not return my call, although I do have Durable Power of Attorney for Medical Care.
I also posted this in the Cardiac Nsg. forum.
nursenatalie, ADN, RN
200 Posts
I would insist on speaking to doctor. Don't know about this doctor but we frequently have doctors speak to family members before a procedure and they always call. The doctor is the one to speak to you about risks etc. but we do this procedure often. Did your dad have a fem-pop bypass? Or ileofemoral?
Marie_LPN, RN, LPN, RN
12,126 Posts
The doctor would have better answers for this, since he/she is more familiar with your dad's hx and condition.
Dad had a fem-fem or crossover graft. They also put a stint in higher up as well on the right side and then crossed from the right to the left side with the graft. I know it wasn't a fem-pop bypass.
AfloydRN, BSN, RN
341 Posts
Due to lifestyle( diet, smoking, etc...) the graft site can potentially re- occlude itsself. I work w/ open hearts, aaa stents, fem-fem,etc.. Not totally uncommon. Did they send him home on anticoags to help?