Feelings of Impending Doom about Graduation!

Nursing Students General Students


To All Graduates in the next couple of weeks like myself, is there anyone here that is feeling just like something may go wrong and keep you from graduating. I have been having nightmares about something just going wrong or some instructor just deciding that they dont' like me and just fail me for something. I am # 2 in my class with only two test left, and It would be very hard for me to fail, but I am just scared that something is gonna go wrong? Anyone else feel the same?

Good luck! How many in your class this year in Laconia? They don't have the same reputation as Concord, who like to kick out/fail 1/2 their nursing students. I've heard Laconia will pass students anyway despite low test scores or clinical practices!! Hope all of your class is SAFE to practice at least.

Having been a student at both Concord and Laconia. I have to agree with the comment about Concord failing half their class. I was lucky and was failed for clinical at the end of my first semester. My first day of clinical I was given a warning for using a staff stethoscope because I had forgotten mine and the remaining two warnings that got me thrown out were just as idiotic. The instructor, L.T., was less than kind and did not set an example of what I later learned a nurse should be. I found that the students in Concord learned quickly how to hide their mistakes rather than learn from them, that is unsafe. If the instructor was on a rampage other students were quick to point out others inadequacies to save their own butts. I feel fortunate that I found the Laconia program and learned compassion, that I'm a teacher to my patients, co-workers, and to myself. I learned teamwork and the importance of focusing on the patients needs and not to be judmental. The worst working experience of my life was at Concord Hospital cosisting of mostly NHTI Concord graduates. I can only speak for myself but I earned every grade and was safe and competant during clinicals, I don't know the basis of your other comment.

Its only normal to have alittle anxiety. We all worked so hard to get where we are and with only a few weeks till graduation the pressure is on. I know exactly how you feel, but try to relax you will be fine!!!

Specializes in ED, Pedi Vasc access, Paramedic serving 6 towns.

:w00t: No more feelings of doom, IM DONE!!!


I too, just finished the Laconia program and I am proud of the education and experience I received. The teachers were not only knowledgable in the field, they were excellent clinical instructors.

It is amazing that it is finally over and the long awaited goal has been achieved. That feeling of doom is gone and I now I am just enjoying the moment!!!!!

Congrats to all!!!!

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