feeling overwhelmed already:AAAHHH!

Nursing Students General Students


Ok. Please tell me someone else is screaming with me! I bought my textbooks my instructors gave us reading assigments, class starts Monday..........and I fell asleep reading the first chapter and have not quite finished te 2nd. This semester I vowed to utilize what I learned last semester about time management and stuff....but I just cant seem to get into this reading! I do want tor ead this stuff so I will be on top of my work, our first test is on the 24th......17 days away....so I need to study this stuff. Some people arent reading anything....crammers club......they are gonna wait til class officially starts on Monday, I did that last semester and was playing catchup! Not fun. I am trying to do better this time ........to make ths worse, I have put on a few pounds.ok like 10 and I cant afford a new wardrobe after spenting 400+ on books.....but I did buy some clothes that were on sale so I will look sorta cute! Not that its soooooooooo important but when i look good I feel better and more confident plus for the past two months I have really been eating crap....fast food and coffee with cream galore to stay awake and of course vending machine stuff.....so its no wonder I have put on a few pounds! I need to exercise too.....to get rid of stress and a few extra inches...not to mention stay healthy. Anyone out there relate? I'm glad I made it to this semester but I feel scared and nervous all over again.....I really want to do well but I feel so..........overwhelmed already. I really need to read this weekend.........I know that it will help me later.........I just need a little boost of motivation.:rotfl:

I feel so stressed already. I was reading my syllabus....and there are so many chapters on one test. I am reading the material and wondering: How am I supposed to know this stuff by test time (2wks from now)? This is definitely going to be tough.

I'm a nursing student who's starting her second term of the second year, and starting the Med-Surg clinical rotation. Can I just say that I am absolutely stressed out right now and I've only had three days of classes? We have practical exams at the end of this week, and you must pass to continue with the course, not to mention 2 shifts at the hospital and a psychology class on top of that. My personal life is completely on the back burner, and I won't even be able to talk to my boyfriend on our one year anniversary.

Whew, who knew I needed to get that much off my chest. :imbar

I concur with all those who have a ton of reading to do, it's hard not to get behind after a week. The items/chapters I don't have time to go over in depth, I just read the main points at the end of the chapter. It's enough to give me enough information until I do have time to go over it in depth.

Hang in there everyone. :)

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