Published Sep 4, 2012
1 Post
I didn't get the best grades after high school but then I got my act together and graduated from an lpn school, but now I am having the hardest time getting accepted into a transition program. I do not want to be in massive debt by a private school!!i live in central florida . If anyone can help me please do.
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
Your post has been moved to the LPN-to-RN student forum to increase the likelihood of attracting helpful responses. Good luck to you!
376 Posts
Did they say why?
My high school grades stunk, I was valedictorian of my LPN program, so I thought it wouldn't be to hard to be accepted to a RN program, I was WRONG! Instead of being to upset I did
my pre-recs at a cc and have a 4.0, I start a rm program in January.
Don't give up! Keep looking and work on your pre-recs.