Feeling incompetent & discouraged


So last week I started on the floor as a PCT in the ER. The week before, we had orientation in a classroom which was kind of a mess (we didn’t have a class over EKGs like we were supposed to and the nurse educators signed me and another ER PCT up for a 4 hour class one day that was not even needed for us).

Anyway, I’ve never worked in healthcare before. My last job was the front desk at a hotel so I’m in a completely new world, but I’m a nursing major and have done awesome in all of my classes and I enjoy them! I’ve been so passionate about wanting to become a RN and work in the NICU and eventually become a NNP, but...I’ve HATED working in the ER as a tech so far.

My anxiety is through the roof. I feel so dumb and incompetent. My 4th day they had me insert a foley on a pt and then a straight Cath on another as they “walked” me through it. I feel like I’m expected to already know how to do stuff like this and EKGs (even though I’ve yet to take a class over it) since I’ve seen it done a couple of times. I feel like my personality is very different from everyone in the ER because I’m more of an introvert and I thrive in an organized and less “crazy” environment.

All of this to say: should I continue with nursing school? Did anyone else feel like this? It’s like I know I don’t want to work with adults when I graduate and especially not in the ER...but am I being too picky about what specialty I want? I’m feeling very lost!

Guess I should add that I’m not actually in the nursing program yet-am on my last pre-req.

Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).
51 minutes ago, MamaBear2326 said:

So last week I started on the floor as a PCT in the ER

Anyway, I’ve never worked in healthcare before.

I feel so dumb and incompetent. My 4th day they had me insert a foley on a pt and then a straight Cath on another as they “walked” me through it. I feel like I’m expected to already know how to do stuff like this and EKGs since I’ve seen it done a couple of times.

All of this to say: should I continue with nursing school?

I’m feeling very lost!

Yeah. Wow, MamaBear, it sounds as though you're being thrown into situations that are way above where you should be.

Maybe things have changed since I was in school and/or worked ER, but I don't think invasive procedures like urinary catheterization are processes that are "walked" through and then allowed to do.

Learning the A&P, sterile technique, common problems, demonstration/return demonstration, and check off are just some things that come to mind before I was allowed to perform such procedures like urinary catheterization as an LPN student. And that was under the supervision of an RN.

I would be very wary of this situation which would be a great learning experience if everything was on the up and up.

Maybe someone with more experience and knowledge in this area will chime in and clear things up a bit.

Good luck, MamaBear!

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