Published Dec 21, 2014
12 Posts
Ever feel as if you're not a good nurse because you simply are having a hard time doing even the most simplest thing? Well, that was my week in a nutshell.
I've been a nurse for about a year at an assisted living facility and I recently switched jobs to an RN at a very busy, diverse health clinic. I'm learning a lot and I enjoy it but sometimes I just feel like I can't do my job well because I sometimes can't seem to perfect the most simple things, such as a BP. I'm not new to this of course but I can't seem to hear a sound on every other patient and I feel extremely inadequate. I ask for help and I wonder if the doctors think differently of me. If I can't preform the most simple task then how will I be able to do my job efficiently? I leave feeling horrible and stressed.
I know practice makes perfect but it's discouraging knowing I can't do something so simple and essential. I question my skills and career more and more every time I can't perform a simple task.
kbrn2002, ADN, RN
3,930 Posts
Just like back in the school days...practice, practice, practice! What type of equipment are you using in the clinic job? I am assuming since you say you can't hear the BP it uses a standard stethoscope. Next question; what type of stethoscope do you use? If it is a cheap one you might be better served by investing a little money in a better one, even the entry level Littmans are better than the generic ones some facilities provide. Again, practice! Drive your family members nuts by checking their BP's frequently until you get it down. Even watch some videos on proper technique, I am sure there are tons of them on YouTube. I know it seems silly but a simple BP can be a difficult skill for some to master. You will get this, keep doing it and you will get it right!
345 Posts
Could there be a problem with your hearing? Maybe fluid build up or something? Just a thought...
2 Posts
You should consider buying a double lumen stethoscope. I had a lovely Littman all through nursing school and couldn't hear squat. Then I bought a double lumen cheap-o stethoscope from prestige medical for 13 dollars & I can hear EVERYTHING!