FAQ for CRNE exam

World International


I am just starting to study for my CRNE exam and was looking at the FAQ section of the thread. The answers indicate that the exam is made up of entirely multiple choice questions, but then goes on to describe how the short answer section will be marked.

Has the format for the exam changed? Does anyone know if there are now short answer questions added?

It is SO difficult to get any upto date info on this exam!:eek:

The exam is purely multiple choice question, i guess untill 2015, you can read on the CNA website to support that 

Thank God its until 2015... :)

Thanks for the confirmation. Don't know why the forum FAQ's are talking about short answers then...:confused:

Specializes in ICU, ER.
Thanks for the confirmation. Don't know why the forum FAQ's are talking about short answers then...:confused:

It was supposed to include short answers as of June 2010, but for whatever reason they changed it back to all multiple choice.

i will be writing the exam in june, i need help with practice questions or what works for others in the past, pls help even if you have pactice questions i will love to have it as well...please help!!!

anyone here took a review class at Toronto school of Health? what are your experiences???

Specializes in NICU, PICU, PCVICU and peds oncology.

Toronto School of Health is not accredited, it was the subject of a cease-and-desist order in 2009 and it charges extortionate rates ($2,000 to $9,000+) for its prep courses with absolutely NO guarantee that clients will pass the exam. They have a disclaimer on their website that states they assume no responsibility for clients' success or failure at the exam. I'd stay far away from them.

Specializes in geriatrics.

For those of you looking for tips on the CRNE, I would highly suggest googling the most recent threads. There have been various threads posted on this site which have great information for you.

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