Fall semester? Too much? Not enough?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I'm taking Physiology, Organic Chemistry, and some sort of silly music appreciation course (it's my last "fluffy" course.) I tackled Anatomy and Intro Chem in the same semester and did fine.

My issue is: I really need to get Statistics done, should I add it? Or is Organic Chemistry really that much more challenging than Intro? Is Stats really a monster? Any input would be awesome :)

Specializes in LTC.

I talked to my General Chemistry Lab Instructor today, she feels its doable with the lab work she has seen out of me. And I'm amazing with Excel so if that helps at all with Stats I have a huge advantage! Ok I'm doing it! Nobody ever said college was easy right?

Organic chemistry wasn't nearly as hard as many people made it out to seem, although I really think the professor has a lot to do with it..... I had a nightmare professor for stats and still got an A by basically teaching myself via the textbook. If I were you I would add stats into it. It is really hard to say though because I don't know what type of student you are and what you are capable of, only you know that. From my POV Organic chem was easier than I thought (I managed to get an A) so if I were you i'd pile em up cause statistics wasn't all that bad either.

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