failed 3 times NEED HELP... Desperate

Nursing Students NCLEX


Well let me tell you about my NCLEX. I took the LPN NCLEX just because I could. I probably studied about an hour or two two days before I sat for it. I took the test a little bit over an hour and got out at 95 questions and passed. A year later graduated from nursing school and scheduled my nclex, and I was pregnant at the time I scheduled it and didn't know I could change the date after the 30 days that I go into the board of nursing to register. So my first attempt was three days after having a baby ( I know i'm a bit crazy, but I didn't know I could just repay the board of nursing and could have done it later) anyway so I went all the way to 265 questions. I thought I went that far just because I was a little loopy with having an epidural and just having a baby and post pregnancy brain. I waited the 45 days went in and sat again but this time I had a lot more time to study, I did hurst and saunders. I thought I would pass as the LPN one, I was in and out and I did not have postpartum delivery brain. So I sat for the second time, 265 questions and fail. Third attempt I did NCSBN, Saunders again reviewed Hurst and did the NCLEX app that has over 1300 questions as well as ATI tests. I got 265 questions again and just found out I failed. I really need to pass this test and was wondering if anyone has any tips on how to study to pass this beast. I think the problem I am having is seeing what the NCLEX wants me to think. I was doing 80s on ATIs which is good comparing to what I was getting in school when we were only required to get 66. Please help. I am desperate. If anyone offers tutoring, im interested in that as well. I feel stuck and I need to get this behind me!!!!!


I failed my NCLEX-RN 3 times with 265 questions and my CPR results showed "NEAR THE PASSING STANDARD". Failing with 75 questions is a horrible thing. But failing with 265 means you were almost there. I felt the same way when i failed 3 times with 265 questions. I also passed my LPN with 85 questions. Whenever i failed with 265 questions i had a feeling that i do not need any content review. The only thing i was lacking at this point was the strategy. Someone here posted about a tutor and i even talked to her and she told me i need a content review but I believed that it was not the problem. So i decided to use her strategy for the NCLEX-RN exam. I listened to her 8 concepts more than 5 times about NCLEX and applied those strategy in the exam. This time i passed with 75 questions and the only thing that helped me pass this exam was those strategies. Here is the link for that video and the link of that thread from where i came to know about the tutor.

Good Luck!!

Thank you Aspiring LPN-RN!!! I heard of her and was trying to find out more information before i spent the money. Do you think it is worth it just to watch that video or do her 11 hours, which ends up being $330. I dont have that much money as I have spent so much on taking it and I went to a private college so my loans are starting to be due this month. So I don't have that much extra to spend.

Also what is the 97 page review?

I had a same situation as yours. I spend so much money on those useless reviews and did not want to spend even a penny on any. So what i did was listened to her videos and tried to understand the concept. Her concepts were pretty clear to me and thought i do not need to spend that much money. If you want then you can talk to her and she will work with what you have. The one thing i can tell you for sure is her strategy is applicable in the NCLEX-RN exam.

97 study guide is the rationale notebook prepared by one of the NCLEX taker. Here is the link to her video.

Good luck!!

Did you do her tutoring or just watch her videos?

Did you do her tutoring or just watch her videos?

I just watched her videos.

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