failed on my third attempt. ...


I just need some support. I studied the whole summer. On the day of the test I felt very confident...but then I did the pvt and started thinking that I failed, which I confirmed today. I think that I need to work on my medications. I already re register, and I'm planning on taking it at the beginning of November. Im not giving up, I keep on telling my self that I have nothing to loose but plenty to win. Please if anyone can tell me a similar situation it would be great. I just need more motivation. Thank you

I am in the same situation as your's.I have failed over 6 times and still trying to reach the goal.The only thing i want to say is "NEVER GIVE UP".Sooner or later we will reach there.I believe that everything happens for a reason and will happen when the time is right.

Good luck!!

Specializes in Alzheimers.

So sorry you didn't make it YET....but you will! We got through the hard part NURSING SCHOOL!....May I asked, what did you use to study? Do you have test anxiety? Did you feel the questions were way too tricky?

Thank you both for the responses. I have a few things that I can count as to why it has been so difficult for me. I graduated nursing school in Puerto Rico. Took the test there twice. It's a different test. I have my license from Puerto Rico. Then I moved to New York. I was an assistant manager at a very stressful retail store. . The first two times that I took the test I did not feel like I have it my 100%. First time was in 2011 And second time 2012. I guess I wad scared, so I waited to take the test. I finally got a much better relaxing job where I was able to study. I used saunders, ncsbn, nclex 3500. I didn't find the test difficult, but I did had lots of medications questions that I wad not ready for. I already re schedule my test for the beginning of November. I just don't want to give up. Btw I was never the best test taker. Thank you for hearing me out.

Specializes in Alzheimers.

I could understand that...I will be taking my Nclex RN in 2 weeks and do not feel confident at all! I just purchased a review call remar review and hopefully this helps me pass. I will definitely post after I take my exam to let everyone know if this review is super helpful. Best luck to you and I know you will be posting here soon saying you passed this monster of a test.

Thank you. You too, please do let me know how you did. All we can do is try and never give up. The day that we give up is the day that we failed.

Specializes in Alzheimers.

Well said and I will for sure post after I take this test...My scheduled date is Oct 7, so you'll see a post then:)

Please don't give up, I had failed 2x and finally pass for my third time.

I took HURST review which helps me pass 80% of my questions I got the answer right without doubt from my review

But I work so hard for myself to review , main thing is you have to understand the concept

For example what's happening to the person with hyperkalemia and hurst explain it very well

Hurst have everything to make you pass and it will be up to you how you can restore everything in your brain and pray pray

I recommend it :)

Good luck to you guys

Godspeed :)

Thank you for your advise. I think I decided that I'm going to look into hurst, and take a kaplan online review. 8 wush I could do it live, but I can't miss much work. What do yall think ?

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