Failed Nur 114

Nursing Students General Students


I should have seen this coming.

I have never been the best student and I have recently been diagnosed with ADD. I have been getting by making the bare minimum in my nursing classes, and honestly, it's a miracle I made it this far. I always got raving responses from any practical applications of knowledge but I am utter trash when it comes to the lecture portion of nursing. I could probably recite anything to do with any type of shock, hypersensitivity reaction, psychological disorders, etc. as well as treatments and nursing interventions but for some reason sitting down and taking tests I always end up choosing the second most correct answer and it has finally gotten me my first failure. I have a Pre Nursing GPA of a 2.8 (not great I know) and will be applying for remediation and hopefully, I can get in and get back on track in the spring. I believe my school evaluates your pre-nursing GPA otherwise no one would really be able to remediate unless they were straight-A students. If not then...well. I don't know what I will do. I was wondering if anyone else has failed and came back stronger and if there are any tips anyone has discovered that works for them in the test-taking area.

Specializes in ER OR LTC Code Blue Trauma Dog.

The first things you need to do is understand why you are consistently getting the questions wrong. This is achieved by further analysis and dissecting the testing issue.

Firstly, let's understand these tests are not necessarily intended to inventory what knowledge you have. Now, it used to be that way many years ago, but that has now changed.

The new approach is intended to challenge your critical thinking and reasoning abilities instead.

I don't necessarily agree with this approach for testing students for several reasons including the idea that some people are from different cultures where inferences and intended meanings are often quite different in scope, than typical American culture interpretations.

Sometimes questions may also appear ambiguous and seem to have more than one interpretation, depending how you look, or think about the question. Again a person's individual culture can play a significant role in influencing this interpretation.

Simply put, some people's brains are not wired to think in the same way as everyone else, so people fail tests because of that kind of ambiguity on the tests.

So anyways, what needs to occur here exactly is you need to understand what is inferred by the questions. It's not necessarily going to be the most logical straightforward answer either. Seems like a poor way of testing people about their acquired knowledge about things, but that's how things are done.

So another approach is done by further understanding how these tests are structured and setup to work.

When looking at the test questions ask yourself, "Are the ideas clear?" Look at all the key phrases in the question. Next, when you look at the answers ask yourself, "Is there any supporting information for these key phrases in the answers?" Now this is where it gets interesting, or perhaps even a little messy, because some questions will in fact have that, but look for answers that have the MOST supporting information for the key phrases. Then ask yourself, "Does the question flow together naturally with the answer and can it / does it make sense?"

Another thing you need to be aware of is how levels of priority works in these test questions. For example, any answer involving any kind of wording pertaining to patient's safety will always become the higher priority answer to the question.

Same idea when it comes to questions pertaining to a patient's "acute" vs "non acute" level of care. So again group the possible answers together in order of priority and anything more "acute" than the other will take priority over the other answers.

There's other tips you could also learn about too, but understanding the intended structure of these tests will give you a much better insight and understanding how to correctly choose the right answer to the test questions.

I sincerely hope some of this helps. Good luck.

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