Published Feb 5, 2006
39 Posts
Does anyone know of any alternative jobs for a Bachelors in Nursing other than being a RN. I am going to retake the nclex but would like to know if there are any other options.
Gompers, BSN, RN
2,691 Posts
Well, you can't really use your nursing degree unless you're an RN. You can, however, use your Bachelor's degree to apply for any job that requires one. Sometimes they don't care what your degree is in, so long as you have one. But as far as healthcare, you'd really not be able to do much. And don't get into that mindset, anyways! You can retake the boards - concentrate right now on developing a new study strategy, and maybe even be evaluated for test anxiety. You can do it!
SerenityR.N., BSN, RN
140 Posts
DOnt give up. Study somemore and go for it again. You can do it. You have to have faith in yourself. Use Saunders, it seems to be hihgly recommended on this site and try to get Suzanne's study guide.
I am not going to give up. I have scheduled a date to take it again. I just was curious of all the options there is out there. I am in Texas and there is a wait of 50 days. So I am retaking the exam in March. I am doing the 100?s from the Saunders 3rd edition scoring around 60%-68% on my exams. I am also using Kaplans question trainer to help with the process of answering the questions. When I took the exam I had 147 ?s. Didn't feel the least bit confident when I came out of there. I have faith to pass this time. I just may have to do something different with my degree until I pass so that I can afford to retake the EXAM!! WOW IT IS EXPENSIVE.
If you need to work what about PCT/Nurse extern?
I was working as a GN at the hospital I was hired onto. Once you fail the NCLEX you are demoted to a Unit Secretary which is about a $12 paycut. You are not allowed at this facility to be a PCT or Nurse Extern as a matter of fact you can't even walk into a patients room or touch a patient until you pass the exam. That is why I was looking for other options on something to do with a Bachelors that may pay a little more while I am getting back to retaking my NCLEX.