Published Dec 24, 2024
4 Posts
Hey y'all
I've been searching nonstop for the past year on similar issues and have seen many successful and not so successful stories. I'm facing 1 count of a federal felony with regards to conspiracy to commit wire fraud. I'm taking a plea deal and facing the consequences; I've tried everything to try to plea this down to a misdemeanor, but the prosecutor is new and wants to stick it to me. None the less, I've been cooperative and I'm facing losing my RN license. I hired a nursing defense attorney, and she told me that I will lose my license, for how long, I don't know but I'll also be placed on the OIG list. This charge is not healthcare related. I've gathered 25+ character letters, printed out all my transcripts, all my certifications. I have a strong background in school with 4+ college degrees. I just made a terrible choice in my life and more-so was influenced by family, but I am not here to blame anyone, I take full responsibility and want to move forward with accountability for my actions. Has anyone here faced a similar case? I have been a nurse since 2020 and never had a single issue. Everyone at the hospital I work at thinks very highly of me. My dream was to do travel nursing and then settle down to become an NP but now that's shot down. I just want to focus on getting my RN license back in Michigan and eventually transfer and move to another state and start a fresh new life. I know with this felony; it's going to be an uphill battle. What else can I do to prepare for what the future is going to bring and my best outcome with the board? Any other nurses in Michigan deal with the BON? How are they? Any insight on similar cases?
Thanks, y'all
kbrn2002, ADN, RN
3,944 Posts
Consequences of a felony conviction can and do vary wildly from state to state so I can't give you any thoughts on how Michigan BON might react to this. I can tell you from an employment perspective that the three categories of convictions that will get employment declined by most health care employers are financial, violent or drug convictions. Even if you are able to retain an unencumbered license expect to have some challenges finding employment after the case is completed and a formal conviction is on your recoerd.