Published Jul 17, 2012
1 Post
Hello all.
I have recently graduated with an Associates Degree in Web Development and came to realize I am no longer interested in this field. However, with some research I have done, I feel that Nursing would be an ideal career choice for me.
With that being said, I was wondering if I could get an explanation between RN and BSN? Which one is more beneficial?
Thank you. :)
48 Posts
From my understanding a LVN/LPN does bedside care but cannot push IV meds, is under the supervision of a RN, and cannot plan nursing care while a RN does everything a LVN/LPN does, plus IV meds, plus planning patient care. (Insert: I apologize if that is a narrow viewpoint and do not mean to sound condescending). Your next option is an ADN program which averages 18 months once you've completed your pre-reqs or a BSN program which averages 4 years. In my area there is a push towards BSN RNs but I have found that the tuition for BSN programs are very expensive compared to the ADN programs. I also decided on nursing as a second career so good luck
228 Posts
RN vs. BSN--
Once upon a time, in the U.S., the standard nursing schooling was a 3-year "diploma" program (in the days of starched white uniforms and distinctive nursing school headgear). Very few of that model exist today, tho there is one in this local area. The great advantage of these programs was that nearly a full year, full time, was spent in clinicals--beyond one what can expect today in a 2-year program. Graduates of these programs could "hit the ground running" in nearly any hospital unit.
A "2-year" ADN (Associate Degree, Nursing) program will qualify one to sit for the NCLEX (pronounced EN-clex). (National Council Licensing Examination.) Only by passing this test may one qualify to apply to one's state BON (board of nursing) for a license as an RN. Until you get that license, you are not an RN; you may be styled temporarily as a GN (graduate nurse), for work situations in specific hospitals or other employers.
These programs are typically administered by junior colleges/community colleges; and are called 2-year programs because after having completed whatever the prerequisites are (which vary), the nursing school program typically requires 2 calendar years to complete, if all goes well. There are also some for-profit private entities conducting such programs, from what I hear.
BSN programs (Bachelor of Science in Nursing), commonly called 4-year programs, are typically offered by full-fledged 4-year colleges and universities. IMHO--for which I'll get flamed, no doubt--this amounts to a 4-year college degree, with a major in nursing. But, I have never heard it referred to this way. Such a program equally qualifies one to take the NCLEX, and upon passing, apply to one's BON for a license as an RN.
A "quick-and-dirty" overview could be stated as something like this: A 2-year program can get you sufficient basic nursing knowledge to be able to function as a brand-new RN, with little or no actual experience. So can a 4-year BSN program, but you will have a college bachelor's degree. (Do note that I said, can get you sufficient . . knowledge . . . ) And I expect many will disagree with this summation.
Some students feel that a 2-year ADN takes the "same" amount of time as a 4-year BSN, when one factors in the time required for prerequisites. And this may well be so.
Another factor to consider is cost. In my area, one of the highest in the state for community college tuition, one credit hour will cost you about $140. A reasonably nearby branch of the state university, with a "low-cost" reputation, charges $400 and some, for one credit hour. The diploma program mentioned above charges something like $475 per credit hour.
And there may be other fees tacked on to these tuition amounts, in all cases.
Practicality--it depends on what you want to do, or do eventually; and to some extent, where you want to do it. There is a distinct trend in the land today, to require more formal education than previously, to do much the same professional work.
Thus, some hospitals--just for one example--may require that brand-newly-hired RNs have earned a BSN, for various reasons. In such cases, a 2-year ADN won't work.
I hope that this lengthy attempt at an explanation will answer most of your questions, and give you enough to chew on.
llg, PhD, RN
13,469 Posts
The short answer is that "RN" stands for "Registered Nurse" and it is the license you get after you pass the state licensing exam. It is not an academic degree and no educational program can provide you with an RN. Educational programs just quality you to take the licensing exam.
A BSN is a "Bachelor's Degree in Nursing" and it is just one of many types of educational programs that qualify you to take the RN licensing exam (NCLEX-RN).
There are many different types of programs that qualify students to take the RN licensing exam -- ranging from minimal programs at "career colleges" that take a little over a year to complete to programs offered by universities that only accept students who already have Bachelor's degrees in other fields and are taught at the graduate level (entry-level Master's Degrees).
There are many people in nursing who believe that the minimal requirement for taking the RN licensing exam should be a Bachelor's Degree (BSN or BS with a major in Nursing). Do a search of this site and you will find many threads debating this issue. And there are many hospitals who have a strong preference for hiring BSN graduates over those without that level of educatin. It is becoming increasingly difficult for nurses to get job promotions or otherwise advance in their careers without at least a Bachelor's level education (or higher).
However, there is less pressure for the BSN in some areas of the country than others. You should check out your local job market before making any decisions about your educational choices. In some job markets, you'll need a BSN to get a job at one of the better employers. In other jobs, it is less important to start at the BSN level -- though you will probably need it down the road if you seek career advancement.
Good luck to you with whatever you decide.
1,163 Posts
The more beneficial one depends where you live. I live in Maryland, where BSN is slowly becoming more "beneficial" than the RN. Maryland is one of the highest paying states, although I do not know if there is a correlation between pay and more nurses getting the BSN. So, before you decide, see which one is more likely to get hired in your area.