Published Jul 23, 2005
100 Posts
I am a BSN student who will graduate next May. Do you think it is at all possible to go immediately into school nursing, or would it be necessary to have experience? Would anyone even hire me without experience? Thanks guys :)
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
Chances are going to be quite slim. I highly recommend that you have two years of pediatric experience before attempting work as a school nurse.
Your true learning is not going to begin until you start a full-time job as a nurse, either in a hospital or some other type of setting where there is someone to train and mentor you. You normally are the only nurse for the school, and may have to cover several different schools. As well as having medically fragile children included in your numbers. Your assessment skills need to be top notch...........
1,112 Posts
The only exception I'd make to Suzanne's advice is if you would be working in a large school with an experienced nurse. I do know of some who sucessfully went straight into schools as the second nurse in the health office.
Even if you had that opprtunity, which is not ususally avaialbe, I still would recommend working in an acute setting two years or as long as you can stand it. Even 6 months would be invaluable toward building and refining skills you will need in the schools. With the increasing numbers of medically fragile children with multiple disorders, I have found my peds ICU experience invaluable.
17 Articles; 45,841 Posts
I agree, you really need to have worked at least 2-3 years as an RN with an emphasis in pediatrics before you go on into school nursing.
thanks guys. not really what I wanted to hear, but I know you guys are right.