Experience question...


Specializes in rehab.

I just had a quick question- probably stupid one but I've heard this before and I just wanted to see if it really was true.

When a hospital listing has "1 year of acute care experience" does that count as nursing home experience. Would they look at someone who only has nursing home experience. Or is there like a certain amount of experience that would equal that '1 year of acute care'?

Thanks for the help! And I still plan on applying and trying for jobs. I was just wondering if what I've heard is true...

No. Acute care = hospital experience as an RN.

ACUTE: CCU, ICU ect,.... def hostpital experience perferred, but give it a shot!

I am in the greater Chicago area and I spoke to a nurse recruiter (of one of the largest hosp system in IL) and she advised me that ANY experience looks good (she actually kind sounded annoyed when I asked if nursing home experience would count against me), apply everywhere, get certifications & be open to any opportunity. I talked to a nurse manager ( in a different hospital system) and she basically told me the same thing....

Maybe your plan can be... nursing home (+ getting ACLS etc) then telemetry then ICU?

I am in the greater Chicago area and I spoke to a nurse recruiter (of one of the largest hosp system in IL) and she advised me that ANY experience looks good (she actually kind sounded annoyed when I asked if nursing home experience would count against me), apply everywhere, get certifications & be open to any opportunity. I talked to a nurse manager ( in a different hospital system) and she basically told me the same thing....

Maybe your plan can be... nursing home (+ getting ACLS etc) then telemetry then ICU?

Ah but don't bet the farm on this. They will tell you this often in order not to tell you that your chances are not that good right now because you would be seen as a new grad even if you worked for a couple years in LTC, you'd need massive orientation to work acute care. Technically telling you this is bad PR for the hospital, so they really dance around it. They also want to keep the door open in case they get a mass exodus from their nursing staff and need to hire to replace them fast. Especially in IL, it is all about who you know and that person either has clout that trumps all, or is willing to pester NMs/HR untill you are hired. Sometimes you can get to acute care from LTC, it's better said that way.

Specializes in Currently hospice.

Acute care is hospital experience like med/surg.....

But I would apply still and keep applying! You have to start somewhere!

Ah but don't bet the farm on this. They will tell you this often in order not to tell you that your chances are not that good right now because you would be seen as a new grad even if you worked for a couple years in LTC, you'd need massive orientation to work acute care. Technically telling you this is bad PR for the hospital, so they really dance around it. They also want to keep the door open in case they get a mass exodus from their nursing staff and need to hire to replace them fast. Especially in IL, it is all about who you know and that person either has clout that trumps all, or is willing to pester NMs/HR untill you are hired. Sometimes you can get to acute care from LTC, it's better said that way.

Sorry, I guess I need to clarify. These two people are family friends/acquaintances/watched me grow up. I don't think they would give me bad advice.

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