Published May 27, 2006
1,146 Posts
Hi There
i am an english nurse who is just about to start a job on a med/surg floor in a small hospital in arizona.
i am quite nervous about it as you american nurses have different assessment skills to us in the uk, we dont listen to heart/ lung/bowel sounds, these are done by doctors.
can you give me any advice? i feel like a new grad!
i presently work on a ward which nurses renal patients i do peritoneal dialysis, not heamodialysis and have some medical and surgical patients.
are your assessment skills difficult to learn, i have passed nclex but its not the same as learning the skills in practice.
i will be starting on nights, for all you night birds out there what does your nightime rountine entail?
i suppose im just looking for reassurance
claire x
1 Article; 6,683 Posts
I don't work with adults, but here is a link (related to heart and lung sounds) to get you started:
Good luck!
thankyou that very useful
anything like that is a great help
also which brand of stethoscope do you use? any suggestions as to which is best?