Nursing Students CNA/MA
Published Mar 9, 2007
aerorunner80, ADN, BSN, MSN, APRN
585 Posts
I just started my clinicals for CNA this week and I can't believe how exhausted I am today. I got assigned to the skilled nursing unit and I loved it, however, it was a lot of work! What really got me is that it seemed that everyone on that unit has diarrhea. I can't count how many briefs I changed and how much pericare I did today. Wow! :trout:
For someone who has a C Diff infection, does the color of their diarrhea change also? I'm not sure but I think I may have seen my first C Diff case today. All I can say is that I will not forget that smell and the color of the stool.
Hats off to those of you who have made being a CNA your carreer. Bless you because I don't have any desire to do this long term.
muffie, RN
1,411 Posts
good luck in your career
56 Posts
Yes it's hard work and gross but the patients can't help it. You should try working in a retirement home or assisted living :)