Excelsior Study Materials



It is my understanding that a study guide is available on the EC website for each class and that these guides refer to sections of the text book that should be studied. Has anyone found an easier way than filtering through the text books? I have A&P, Micro and the nursing core classes to go. Any input from experienced EC students would be great! Thank you!

Specializes in Hem/Onc, LTC, AL, Homecare, Mgmt, Psych.

I used that method (filtering thru textbooks and writing down notes with free EC study guide) and it worked great for me. I also made flashcards of the material I needed to focus on. You could also take the practice tests that EC offers ($60) they are pretty close to dead on for the test material to know-- I used the practice tests for A&P, Micro and one other one that I cannot remember! Also I was a member of several yahoo groups that posted some tips-- some the information is outdated though and NEEDS to be backed up with your studies! If you google Excelsior RN in yahoo groups it will bring up several to check out. It's nice to have some student support as well. Best of luck to you!


It is my understanding that a study guide is available on the EC website for each class and that these guides refer to sections of the text book that should be studied. Has anyone found an easier way than filtering through the text books? I have A&P, Micro and the nursing core classes to go. Any input from experienced EC students would be great! Thank you!

Besides getting study material from the files sections of various yahoo EC groups, you can check out ebay, type in "Excelsior college" for your search. There are several offerings of study materials there. Lisa Arends, studygroup101 offer CDs of notes for the exams. You can also find used publishing company study guides from The College Network, Rue, Chancellors. You can get a lot of material from ebay at a fraction of the cost of buying it new. You should still get the recommended texts so that you have a basic nursing library and have the books available to do as much of the reading as you want to do or to look things up. Some people use only one or two study sources and are able to pass the tests. It is up to you to decide which study sources you want to use. Good luck.

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