Excelsior College


I was enrolled in Regents College and had all of the requirements for my BSN 20 some odd years ago. I was going to send the money for my clinicals the day they announced that Fla. would not allow you to sit for the boards if you were a Regents graduate. I had called them a week before because I had heard rumors and they made every effort to assure me that it was "only a rumor" and that Regents and the State of Florida had no issues. I lost a lot of time and money on this fiasco. So, what do I do 5 years ago? Dumb me. I sign back up with them as they are now "Excelsior" and have supposedly gotten their act together. Not so. They are still the same "set you up to fail" school as before, you learn NOTHING because you get a test score only and you have no idea what you missed or got correct on the test. I am very disillusioned and am searching for another program. The only issue is that all of my credits are through Excelsior so they would have to transfer. I am open to suggestions if anyone has any. I would really appreciate it. Thank you

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

The school is based on a competency model that requires students to teach themselves the required information outlined in the exam content guides, so the learning is all up to you. Did you fail one/some of the nursing exams?

Generally speaking, nursing courses from Excelsior are not going to transfer, but that isn't specific to Excelsior — most nursing programs that are prelicensure don't accept outside credits. How many credits have you earned so far at Excelsior?

Distance education and the self-teaching model aren't for everyone. There's no shame in that, we all learn differently. Have you looked into traditional options where you live? Are you an LPN?

Yes I am an LPN with almost 25 years experience. To go the traditional route would mean to start from scratch which I am not willing to do at my age. The only reason for obtaining the RN is because of my job. It really doesn't matter to me.

Oh you asked how many credits I have. With the exception of a math course I have 2 more nursing components plus the clinical and the final 2 courses

I am a little confused. From what I can tell, Florida has no issue with licensing an Excelsior grad. I know they did in the past, but I see nothing on their page that currently says otherwise.

Or are you complaining because you don't feel you learned anything from the courses or that you have failed some exams? I know when I got my exam results it showed how I did in specific areas. In the one test I had to retake, I saw I was weak in 2 areas, and had a general idea of questions asked that I did not know. I passed it with a B the second time (got a D the first). Excelsior also has some (paid) practice exams that do let you know what you missed and gives you the correct answers.

It is not a "set you up to fail" school. It is a school that requires you to study on your own and use your past experiences. It is not an easy way to your RN. Yes many have failed, just as in regular nursing school. Many have also passed.

Sorry I can't help you on what to do though.

I WAS referring to ovet twenty years ago when I had all of the credits for my BSN via Regents except for the clinical. On the day that I was going to pay for my clinicals it was announced that if you graduated from Regents you would not be allowed to sit state boards in Fla nor would they endorse. How do I delete from this site?

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