Excelsior College Grads in NC

U.S.A. North Carolina


Is there any bias against Excelsior College graduates by the North Carolina Board of Nursing? Are there any hospitals in North Carolina that will not hire Excelsior grads? I am a Georgia resident and have planned to apply for a North Carolina license after I graduate from Excelsior and pass (fingers crossed) the NCLEX. I want to do this because 1) all of the recent turmoil caused by the recent actions of the Georgia Board of Nursing, 2) North Carolina is a compact state, and 3) my sister is a North Carolina resident and would help me relocate if necessary.

Specializes in Nursing Education, CVICU, Float Pool.

I know an LPN who works in the Float Pool with Me is doing Excelsior for her RN, she should be finished in December I think. She is undoubtedly the best nurse (LPN or RN) I have ever seen. She works on on med Surg units and clinics. She is amazing! I think excelsior is becoming more accepted since you have to have prior LPN, paramedic, RT, or PA experience to complete it. I read that many states who wouldn't "accept" excelsior grads have since waived that notion because they just have a requirement for the Excelsior Grad to show where they have precepts with a licensed RN for x amount of hours etc.....

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