Excelsior College and CA BRN


It has been awhile since I have posted but I wanted to let everyone my decision regarding my education. I have come to the conclusion that I may not be able to work in CA as an RN for the four years that I am going to be stuck there. I am preparing myself that I will have to work as a LVN until we leave the state.

What have I got to lose? I know I wont be in CA forever, so therefore I have a plan that I am going to put in motion. I will continue on with my education with Excelsior. There is nothing easy about the program and I am working hard to finish my RN. I will continue on with the nursing portion of the program. I will take the exams as planned. After the CPNE is completed and passed I will take another nursing course that does not apply to the degree and I will do a preceptorship through a state that requires it. I have found that Arizona, Colorado, Oklahoma, and Washington all require a preceptorship. I will take both the nursing course and the preceptorship concurrently that way I can meet the minimum requirement set forth by the CA BRN. This will take place during the time I am waiting for graduation. Then I will graduate with my ASN. I read somewhere on this forum that someone either tried it or was trying it. The way I look at it the CA BRN will still have to review my college transcripts because according to their court decision they meaning the CA BRN cannot evaluate Exclesior College but rather the applicants nursing education itself. This may not work, but for me it wont hurt to try because I know I wont be in CA forever. I know there are going to be some people who will say some negative and discourging stuff about it but the fact remains that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and since they do not work for the CA BRN themselves their opinion means nothing. The only one who can say that I will be denied is the CA BRN not anybody on this board even if they work for the CA BRN because according to the court decision the CA BRN cannot evaluate until they receive the application and transcripts on hand.

I wanted to ask if anybody has tried this route or plans on trying this route? I am sure I read on here that someone may have or they did.

You do what's right for you. Don't let anyone discourage you from obtaining your RN degree. I myself was contemplating doing that myself but your idea seems a lot better than how I was thinking it. Let us know how you do Angela and good luck

I love people that think outside the box. And remember you can always work at a federal facility in Cali as an RN, no matter what. Good luck!

Specializes in ED.

If you are going to be in the Camp Pendleton/San Diego area you might talk to Palomar Community College about transferring in for the last semester. If they grant you credit for the first three semesters and you do the last semester with them you are eligible for licensure in California and everywhere else. Just thought I would pass that along. I for one love Excelsior.

That's some interesting info MsP, did you do that? Would you elaborate on that please? Thank you

Specializes in ED.

Google Palomar Community College Nursing Transfer and the website gives most of the information needed regarding transferring into the nursing department. You fill out forms requesting to transfer after you have finished their pre-requisites, you apply for admission turning in the transfer forms and they tell you if you are approved or not and if you are missing anything you do a course that is tailored to what you are missing before you can integrate into the nursing. You are then allowed to enter into whatever semester they determined you are qualified for and then you are just like a regular student. Do your semester graduate and apply for licensure. I did not do that I have only read about it. You would need to contact the school for specifics and do some independent research to see if that is something that might be applicable to your situation. Reading the nursing section of their catalog helps a lot as well as calling and talking to a nursing adviser. ~Best Wishes~

How far is Palomar College from Rancho Penasquitos? I may just stick to Excelsior only because I've already accepted the fact that I may or may not ever be able to practice in CA. But my stay in CA will only be a short stay during my nursing career. So I don't plan on rushing through the courses. Thank you all for your insights.

Angela if you do end up going through the program with that scenario please let us know how it works out. You could be the breakthrough person that may have found something that hasn't been tried that just may work. But I wouldn't hold my breath either. Good Luck

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