EWWWW, something doesn't seem right to me here!!


Specializes in ER, Med-surg, ICU.

I have a question, I posted this in emerency section, and many of the replies came back as to contact infection control so I would like to post this question to all infection control nurses.

In ER yesterday, we had to intubate a patient. anyway, ater all was said and done, I called to have the blades sent for sterilization so I cuold get the crash cart put back in order. Central sterile said that they don't sterilize the blades. The ER nurses are supposed to wash them with SOAP and WATER??!

What are your thoughts on this? Isn"t it a :nono: ?? One nurse said to me, "Oh it's just the mouth, everbodys mouths are dirty." But I view this as using the same yankauer on each patient as long as you use soap and water between.. Just seems NASTY!!

b eyes

Specializes in Too many to list.

Do you have ID docs at your facility who would allow this equipment be reused on them? These are the guys that always know exactly what type of mask is appropriate before they step into an isolation room. Ask them.

Specializes in NICU, Infection Control.

Since I worked for 7 years as an Infection Control Nurse, I stand by the answer I posted previously:


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