Everest college


Does anyone know anything about their RN program in Ontario? And if it's good or how much it cost

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

Moved to CA State Nursing Programs.

You can read this allnurses.com article for some insight on the risks & benefits of choosing a private for-profit school for your nursing education: https://allnurses.com/general-nursing-student/benefits-drawbacks-private-742166.html

To spend all that kind of money and still be known as one of the lowest NCLEX passing rates in CA, you be the judge.

Board of Registered Nursing - NCLEX Pass Rates

Forgot to add, just short of San Joaquin Valley College, which is lower, just not sure it's really worth the cost of another for-profit school.


there is already a thread for this school. You're better off finding some info here.

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