Error and Attitude

I committed this medication error during my first month of training in the hospital. I was assigned in the medical/surgical/pediatric floor of the hospital. We have 38 patients at that time and we're only 4 nurses on duty, dengue hemorrhagic fever was on its in short, it was a toxic duty. I was assigned at that time to do vital signs and another nurse was assigned to do the medication. Nurses General Nursing Article

There was a new doctor's order for one of our patient which was to incorporate BNC or benutrex c. I was not able to read the doctor's order and was not assigned to do the medication. The nurse assigned to it, prepared the medication and asked me to give it to the patient without any instruction, she just said give it to the patient. I was looking for the medication card and she said there's none for such order. So without hesitation, I gave the medication but I gave it via IV push. The patient reacted when the medication hit her vein because she said it hurt a little so when I returned to the nurse station, I told my head nurse, "The patient got hurt a little when I gave the meds" so she asked why. I said "I IV pushed the meds" and it all started there.

My headnurse called up the Supervisor to report the incident. hen I was so nervous that something bad might happen to the patient since I gave it incorrectly. So what I did was to monitor her every 15 minutes to make sure nothing bad happened to the patient and even checked if she's developing allergies although it was given after negative skin test reading. I got so worried during the entire shift and I asked myself, why did I do that...I promised myself to never ever give medication that I did not prepare. I took accountability for that mistake and even volunteered that I will make an incident report.

The hospital that I work with is a small tertiary hospital with only a few employees, so rumor spreaded so fast that this new nurse made an error. I was not aware that there was a young nurse who's working in the hospital longer than me, who were irritated the way I short, she dislikes me because I'm too feminine and she even quoted me as their "favorite" in their unit, in a sarcastic way. I was thinking, what made her to dislike me since I was not able to work with her during shifts. She was in night shift and I was in the morning shift. She does not know how I do my work and on how I treat other people..She does not know me so well for them to judge me. She said negative things about me, she even gave me a name "BNC". She even told new nurses about my error with my name in the story then they made fun of it, making me an like a stupid nurse. I've been hearing those things, it hurts, it lowered my self-esteem and even felt so demoralized but I let things roll off my back.

Just a few weeks ago (I've been working in the hospital for almost a year now) I heard negative things from her again, she wanted to hit me in the face because she got irritated the way I look at her. I said to myself, I don't do anything bad to her, she does not even know me and i don't deserve what she's doing to me, I have to stand up for myself. I've been keeping my patience for months and this time she went overboard. I went to their nurse station and confronted her, I can say I made a scene out there. It was not my intention, but this nurse told me that I was rude so the conversation ended up with loud voices.

After the incident, this nurse that I confronted talked to our Supervisor about it, I voluntarily made my incident report to explain my side about it, why I got mad. We ended up having a resolution with our Nursing Service Director. I told her everything, the nurse I confronted had the guts to deny it, she even told the director that she does not know why I was angry at her. But when I voiced out what's inside me, she was caught because she told the Director that she was not the only one laughing but everybody. The director told her that medication error is not a laughing matter but a delicate issue because it can be fatal. In front of the Director, we reconciled but I know outside the director's office I know, hatred was in her heart. Confronting that nurse is something that I am not proud of but I really have to stand up for myself. I may be tagged that I have temper but if I did nothing it will haunt me. I should have done that in a professional manner.

Lesson learned: If someone committed an error, it does not mean that for the rest of her life she will make mistake. It's the way of learning. Do not judge the person based on first impression. You don't have to like the person personally for you to be able to get along with at work. There is an overwhelming evidence that the higher the level of self-esteem, the more likely one will be to treat others with respect,

kindness, and generosity.

Specializes in Ortho and Tele med/surg.

Thanks for the lesson. I will keep that in mind. Also, it seems to me like you are buying into that nurses childish games. I can tell that you are sensitive and care about what others say about you. It's hard for most of us to ignore negative criticisms, but you have to learn how to have a tougher skin. People will ALWAYS say negative things about you. The important part is how you handle it.

(please forgive me any mispellings and lack of grammar)

Trust me... to let it roll off your back does not work. The only way to stop a bully is to confront them in a professional manner. Then, keep tight records of incidents and contact with your manager. You have the right to work without being treated as if your stupid or an inferior nurse due to one mistake... granted it was a big one but i would lay money on the fact that you NEVER make another mistake like it! Some of the very best lessons we learn are learned from mistakes and as a nurse you pray that no true harm comes as a result to the people you care for.

I tried letting it roll off my back for 8 years. It doesnt roll. It doesnt go away as long as you allow it to go unchecked. Worst of all it makes you doubt yourself, your ability to get along with people, your ability to be a good nurse... your intelligence. And if you let it go unchecked it follows you from job to job and your confidence takes a nose dive. Only those who have very strong and positive early roll models survive it. Thank god i had one. When i started wanting to strike out and return the treatment... i got out of the hospitals. I did not go to nursing school to learn to be the kind of nurse that i encountered as a floor nurse. I know it is further reaching than the hospitals... but its not as bad in my experience. Now, i work with people who love what they do and show respect to everyone. I finally found my place to be.

To change this sick subculture in nursing... its not gonna be easy that is for sure but a good place to start would be in our nursing schools. Do not continue to NOT discuss it in the spirit of setting the new nurses up to be negative... but instead educate them so that if and when it happens to them they will know what it is when they see it... and not internalize the negativity. Also... help them develope skills to deal with it effectively. Every nurse should develop a zero tolerance personal policy and hold the feet of management to the flames of accountabilty.

I rescently became employed as an educator at a community college where the dirty little secret of nursing is not talked about either. I will strive to change that. This sick subculture of "nurses eat their own" or "nurses eat their young" (i detest the terms) is allowed to thrive and proliferate because everyone accepts that it is just how it is.... and do not talk about it. Start talking about it. When you witness it happening to someone else do not keep your mouth shut... it is hard to speak up but speaking up is the only hope we have of stopping this mistreatment of our peers and further eroding the profession.

Hi, would love to connect with you please. Hope you can notice me. I'm also a Ph RN myself. Thank you.