Epi-Pen costs

Specialties Camp


Hi all,

A few months ago I started a new job running the health center at an outdoor education site. The site director wants me to find ways to cut down on costs for Epi-Pens, but we don't qualify for school assistance programs or insurance benefits (since we as the camp do not have health insurance). Do any of you have any experience with this? What did you do?



Specializes in Pediatrics, Camp Nursing.

Last summer I used a coupon from a discount pharmacy site. Unfortunately I'm not sure which one they used. My pharmacy worked with me on the cost and was willing to price check several to find the best deal. You can search the web and several come up. It helps if you have a good relationship with your local pharmacy. One other problem to keep in mind is that retail pharmacies can no longer fill prescriptions for institutions like a camp. We had to order under an individual's name because we needed so many. That being said, they still were not cheap, but we saved some money.

Specializes in Public Health, School, Camp.

We buy enough to stock all of our med kits with an auto injector and then supplement with ampules for secondary doses just in case. It's crazy expensive (we send out 20+ trips every summer plus our stock at camp) Our local pharmacy provides them close to at cost. It's not cheap, but we do what we have to to ensure the safety of our participants.

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