about to enroll to become an RN


Hi everyone I'm new to this site and am very excited for all the possible feedback I will hopefully recieve I am about to enroll to become an RN and finish what I started year ago. I'm 38yrs old now. I'm think I'm a confident woman. But I am somewhat nervous going back to school now that I'm not a spring chicken anymore :)

Well Chickie714, I am 52 and just started in a full-time BSN program. It seems like all of my classmates are kids, my daughters are older than most of them. Regardless, I am enjoying the learning and I'm not focusing on the age difference. I've even had several other students ask me for help, so make the most of your experience and jump right in.

Thanks I appreciate. I'm not really focused on the it's worry of worry that being that's I haven't be in a classroom for years that I'll be able to keep the grades I used to keep. Lol sometimes I can remember what I had for dinner last.

Besides the fact my family is pounced it in my head. ( ARE YOU SURE YOUR GONNA BE ABLE TO HANDLE THIS). But I know I can do it. Best of luck. And thank for the positive feedback

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Specializes in Emergency Room.

I'm sure you will do great! We have a couple people in their 40's and 50's in our program and they're the ones doing the best out of all of us.

I'm 41, and even proud of myself for keeping up and excelling in school. Age is just a number. It doesn't matter at all. You got this!

I was nervous too but I'm doing way better now than I ever did as a kid!!! Good luck to you!

Do NOT think that way. My mother who's 50 now attended nursing school after having a career for 20+ years. She graduated with a 4.0 and always told me how she felt crazy to be intimidated to be frightened. Now, as a pre-nursing student myself Im enrolled with people my senior and I must say, its all what you make of it. They seem to do better than the students my age actually. I say go for it and don't look back! GOODLUCK!

Specializes in ICU.

I'm 38 and in my first semester in the program. I am not the oldest in my cohort. Probably middle of the road for age.

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