Published Jan 12, 2008
40 Posts
no result yet..i tooked nclex Jan 8,2008. Does it mean I failed the exam?
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
The number of questions means nothing in determining if you passed or not, it is the level of questions that you were getting correct.
Average wait time to see your name on their website is ten full days, not two or three that sometimes people post about.
How long ago did you graduate from school? Do you know for a facct that ther BRN actually received your transcripts? Remember that if you graduated from a program in CA, they will permit you to test before they have the final transcripts.
If you do not hear anything in two weeks, then contact the BRN. But not before then. Once they receive your results, they review your file by a human and with the two holiday weeks recently as well as the storms just a week ago, things can be delayed.
oic..I graduated 1992 from the Philippines. I am totally frustrated right now because i am working as an RN/IP and it will end up on Feb 22,2008. My hospital is waiting for the nclex result. I guess i should calm down for a bit and wait for the result. Thanks for the info....
You are quite welcome.
MY name is not on the BON site yet..IT's been over 72 hours now since i tooked nclex.. Not recieving a snail mail too...I have a feeling that I failed..I'm freaking out here now. I can't sleep
got the result after 3 weeks..I failed NCLEX
Suzanne pls help...I've told my supervisor about my result and they offering me to work as a graduate nurse instead of just firing me..I am now ready to take the exam again. What step should i take first?
77 Posts
hi there
cheer up mate.
dont be so distress. things will work out soon but u gotta take a break now to regain all that energy to study again.
u could find susan's tips in the ncelx discussion forum. dont be discouraged because if u have the will u will get through ok. so refresh ur self..get up and do it again...just take the first test as practice and i think u could do it
all the best
Thanks khine...I am so frustrated right now..It's hard knowing the result but like what u have said i could do it...
Be very careful with what they want you to do, as you no longer qualify for that status. You were essentially under the graduate nurse status before you tested, and with the test not being passed, you will only be able to work as the equivalent of the CNA. You are not permitted to do anything such as pass meds or do procedures that require a license, whether as an LVN, or the RN.
You should not have been under the RN status if you had not tested and were using the IP. You should have been under the GN status then and using GN when you signed your name. I do hope that you did not use the title of RN on any document of any type.
This is the major reason why I do not like the IP, it makes it hard on everyone when someone does not pass that exam. Always much better to test before you begn to work.
Now that being said, please go to the NCLEX Forum and complete the first tip of my program that is posted. All instructions are listed there and they just need to be followed exactly as written.
You can get thru this exam.
I tooked NCLEX for the second time..It stopped at 75 again..I don't know what to think anymore
Nurse Salt
330 Posts
Did you pass?