end of semester.. it's coming

U.S.A. Nevada


Specializes in ob/gyn med /surg.

we are almost at the end of the semester.. how are you all doing in school? what school do you go to ? i send you all my love and best wishes to you . i know how hard school is and i hope you are all doing well and handling the stress.. give yourself a big hug for me... tell me how you are doing... anyone graduating in may? just remember you are not alone .. i am with you and supporting you

I bet you are so excited to graduate in May! Congratulations for all of your hard work! I am currently finishing my 2nd med-surg clinical rotation. I go to USN and will be graduating in March. A lot of work, but as you know, so worth it! Good luck to you!

Specializes in ob/gyn med /surg.
I bet you are so excited to graduate in May! Congratulations for all of your hard work! I am currently finishing my 2nd med-surg clinical rotation. I go to USN and will be graduating in March. A lot of work, but as you know, so worth it! Good luck to you!

oh i am sorry i graduated 22 years ago .. i just wanted to know if anyone was ready to graduate . i wish you luck in school and glad you are graduating soon, getting your RN is well worth it..

Specializes in CNA, RN Student.

Thanks KizzyKat!

You've always been so supportive of us students. I'm getting close to the end of my second semester. I'm so ready for it to be over, I can't wait for the summer. I just keep reminding myself that this time next year, I will be getting ready for grad.

Good luck to all you Spring '08 grads!

Specializes in Psych.

Whew! Almost done with this semester then we have two summer sessions and then I am DONE!!!! August graduation here I come! Now I just have to get over my NCLEX anxiety!:bugeyes: Good luck to all fellow nursing students wherever you are!


Thanks for the interest KizzyKat! I'm graduating from University of Akron next month, and I can't wait! Freakin' out BIG TIME about that NCLEX, but I think I'll be okay. Now I'm just trying to find a job in the Vegas/Henderson area, while I'm still out here! Stress is up, but it'll all be worth it in the end.

Good luck to everyone else...just hang in there! And congratulations to all of the upcoming grads!!! Yay!!!!


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