EMT's and how to deal with them

Specialties Geriatric


I don't know if this is common (i've been a nurse about a year now) but i work 11-7 LTC and EVERY time I call 911 to send a res to the ER the EMT's act like JERKS... they question me about the why i'm sending them (in a very sarcastic manor) actually state that "there is nothing wrong with them but guess we'll take them anyways" and all around treat me like i'm stupid. Not that it matters, but every time i've sent someone out they've been admitted and although they may be a little better by the time the EMT's get there than when i first found them they still need to go! For instance one day i went into a res room cuz she was makin all kinds of moans and talkin to herself (not like her).. her 02 was in the 70's and wheezes all over.. starting to get cyanotic in her nail beds and not acting right at all.. i called the doc he said to put her on 02.. some of her symptoms subsided due to the O2, i explained all of this to the EMTs they accused me of calling them before i fully assessed the patient and of not checking on her before i called.. which i did.. i was in her room literally like 15 times in a 1/2 hour and had sent aides in there on top of that.. I don't know what the deal is with them.. but i am just wondering if this is common.. i mean correct me if i'm wrong but dont' we get a little more schooling than them? AND i think i know my res a wee little bit more than they do... :uhoh3:

Specializes in Psych.
Currently a Paramedic working on my RN, I wanted to post a reply to this thread. I'm not defending rude behavior by any EMS worker because it is inappropriate and unprofessional. What bothers us EMS workers at times is when we are called out to pick up patients that could be transported by private transfer ambulance services. When we are called out to 911 calls we expect to be responding to life or death emergencies. Some times doctors offices or nursing homes call 911 because they don't want to wait a longer time for a private ambulance service and they know when they call 911 that an ambulance will show up quicker. That is the only time I personally get upset. Not really angry, it just bothers me. Instead of being rude I just mention to the nursing staff to try to call a transfer ambulance next time.

In the case you mentioned, a hypoxic patient with altered mental status seemed like an emergency and I would not have even thought of complaining. I would have just been focused on pt care.

On what you state you have more education than paramedics, I'd have to say you actually do. Does that make you any better than us? Can you intubate? Read and interpret ECGs and 12 leads? Surgical airways? Chest decompressions?

I can also complain about rude ER nurses that act like we are bringing them pts because its fun for us. We know they are busy but we still get called and have to transport pts to the ER. They also get angry when we don't call ahead of time that we are bringing them pts. That is a courtesy. People don't call the ER before they decide to walk into one. We will quit bringing in pts when they turn off the big red 'Emergency Room' sign out front!

So instead of continuing or starting a fight between EMS and nurses, I think we should just work as a team to improve pt care.

Yes, thank you, team work, everyone please keep that in mind. Where I work, we fill out an ambulance necessity transport form. Don't know if this is a state(IL) reg. or a local/ambulance company requirement. Most of the EMT/Paramedics I have had contact w/have been super. There are the few, though . . .BoyoBoy. Something I wish all emergency transport people to keep in mind: You have exactly one pt at a time. The facilities you pick up from and deliver to employ nurses who are managing care for several pts/families/phsysicians all at the same time! In the case of many nursing homes, the caseload numbers are frequently astronomical. If the nurses are grumpy, please try to remember they could have several balls in the air that are all needing their attention RIGHT NOW. Please be kind, and as you said, let's work as a team for the benefit of our pts. Thank you for your support.

On what you state you have more education than paramedics, I'd have to say you actually do. Does that make you any better than us? Can you intubate? Read and interpret ECGs and 12 leads? Surgical airways? Chest decompressions?

Hey now, don't jump the gun! I'm an LVN and I know how to intubate, read and interpret EKG's and tele strips...we're not all stupid! lol. Nurses do MUCH more than pass pills. What happens on the floor when you have no EMS to call and you're 6 flights above the ER doc who's busy in a code down on the floor? ACLS nurses can push code drugs and follow the algorythms without an MD where I work. I guess I'm a little bitter hehe, I had an EMT basic tell me the other day that EMT basics do more than LVNs and are smarter. OK if you say so, LOL. On a good note I have a ton of EMT friends and definately respect their job, I just wish people would respect mine too haha.

Let me add -- this EMT basic worked for a transport company that I called to transfer my dad to the hospital R/T severe back spasms (i couldn't get him in the car) He told me he was going to get a job in a nursing home. And I asked him doing what, his reply was I'm nto sure probably something like doing breathing treatments...LOL!

:redlight:EMTs are your friends!:redlight: I treat the EMTs the way I want to be treated and we get along great. I have never met a stranger. I smile, wish them a good (morning/afternoon/evening) and thank them for coming, whether I know them or not. We can all get along and when we do we provide better care. I have even dated a few EMTs and they were great people. I plan on getting my EMT-B this fall and to work as an EMT while I get my RN. I am planning on being an ER nurse and want to switch from being a CNA in LTC to an EMT in EMS to get more emergent care expirience.

I think that the LTC facilities should celebrate EMS appreciation week and do something nice because EMS is an emotionally stressful job and they don't get many pats on the back. I have never met a stranger, can you tell? :)

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