Emptying Catheters!


Not a very technical question but just curious as to what folk use to empty catheters on their wards/units.

Generally we use the disposable urinals or bed-pans but I can recall other wards use CSSD jugs that would get replaced periodically and wahs them inbetween times. Curious in terms of a cost issue an infection control issue too.


We use plastic urinals or jugs which can go in the washer, so we can wash and go ;)

I remember when I was doing pre-nursing in the 90s, we used the cardboard disposable things, but I've never seen them in London, I guess a cost issue.

But then, if something can be washed at high temps, there isn't an infection control risk, eh!

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

It may also depend on what the hospital has available. One hospital had washers so after each us the jug went in the washer where as another hospital I worked at had disposable stuff with a shredder so shredded it got. I am sure infection control of the hospital will be on the case if there was any risk

Specializes in RN, BSN, CHDN.

We use disposable urinals, and then they go in bed pan masher.

Kay x :smokin:

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