Emory New Nurse Grad Residency Program March 2016

Nursing Students General Students


Hi! I have looked around, but I could not find any posts about the March 2016 Residency Program at Emory University in Atlanta, GA so...I thought I would make one :-)

Has anyone else applied or does anyone have any info about the overall process? Thanks in advance!

Well there's always tomorrow lol...

Thats is trueí ½í¸‰

Any news so far?

Stil nothing :/

Stil nothing :/

Same here...I've been offered a CVICU position at a hospital in my hometown, BUT I want Emory soooo bad [emoji17] and I have to decide by next week.

Well guys we've reached the two-week mark :-)

I feel like by now they have forgotten who I was

I feel like by now they have forgotten who I was

Trust me- you are NOT alone when it comes to that feeling.

Me too. Gods time is the best.

Anyone heard anything? Or is it going to be another long weekend?

Anyone heard anything? Or is it going to be another long weekend?

Nothing on my end. Idk what to think at this point...

It's funny how the other Emory sites made offers right away. Yet Midtown is taking so long. Hmmí ¾í´” Insight anyone?

Hey everyone! So I've decided to go with my gut and accept a CVICU position in my hometown. I truly wish everyone on this forum the very best and I'm sending positive energy to those who are waiting to hear back from Emory. At the end if the day- WE ARE ABOUT TO BECOME SOME AMAZING NURSES!!! I will be checking back to hear about all of the good news from everyone!

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