Emory New Nurse Grad Residency Program March 2016

Nursing Students General Students


Hi! I have looked around, but I could not find any posts about the March 2016 Residency Program at Emory University in Atlanta, GA so...I thought I would make one :-)

Has anyone else applied or does anyone have any info about the overall process? Thanks in advance!

Yeah I received them on Monday of this week. You?

Yes same here. I hope to receive an offer soon

Hopefully us receiving it on Monday means something good

Same! I received it Monday too !

Hey, my fellow Midtown people! Any news so far this morning?

Still nothing!

Still nothing. Hopefully we will hear great news early next week!! Although, you maybe anxious enjoy your weekend nurses!

Trying to be calm as my NCLEX is also coming up in 10days. Need all the prayers

Trying to be calm as my NCLEX is also coming up in 10days. Need all the prayers

Definitely sending prayers your way! You've got this! And I also pray that us Midtown people hear some great news soon!!

Prayers your way. Wandering if EUH are done with their offers. M really freaking out. I want Emory so bad. Lol. My phone rang with unfamiliar number today. I was excited only to find out it was my career services advisor smh!!!!.

Prayers your way. Wandering if EUH are done with their offers. M really freaking out. I want Emory so bad. Lol. My phone rang with unfamiliar number today. I was excited only to find out it was my career services advisor smh!!!!.

Oh I hear you! Every email that I get gives me a little anxiety lol. Which locations did you interview with? And thanks so much for the prayers!

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