Eight essential tools and tips for incoming nursing students

As a senior nursing student, I would like to think I have become seasoned in the whole nursing school biz. I've settled into the routine of nursing school--lectures, exams, clinicals, and papers have all become familiar. It wasn't always like this, though. Reminiscing about my first semester in nursing school makes me laugh at how stressed I was over things that are oh so simple now. Nursing Students General Students Article

APA format, for one, was a whole new concept and I doubt I am alone when I say I practically clicked every toolbar option in Microsoft Word before I figured out how to properly insert headers and page numbers...

Nursing students have to develop ways of doing things that best accommodate their work style. Procrastinator? Sorry but that habit is hard to kick. My advice to you is to embrace it--late yet strongly focused work sessions can get you through nursing school for the most part. However, no matter what your work style is, there are eight essential tips and tools that can help streamline your efforts. As a senior nursing student, I can only wish that I had stumbled upon these sooner.

Essential Studying Tools

1. Online nursing care plan constructor.

Use this online tool to help guide you in care plan construction. Although some are outdated, the interventions for each nursing diagnoses are often backed up with nursing research. These are useful whenever teachers ask for evidence based rationales to nursing interventions.

2. Ottobib.

This is a wonderful time saving tool that creates reference citations using only the ISBN's of textbooks. Bookmark this for sure!

3. Use a hand-held nursing database whether it is Lexicomp, Unbound, or Skyscape.

These programs are often expensive (google jailbreak), however, I can not even begin to explain how helpful these are in clinical situations.

4. Use Microsoft Word's Notebook option.

This program allows easier outline creation and is amazing when taking quick notes during lectures. There is even an audio note option that records audio as you type. When you review the document later there will be little audio icons that bring up audio that was recorded a few seconds before your notes!

5. Citation Machine, like Ottobib

This is another quick and free online service for reference pages and citations. Simply plug in the data and Citation Machine organizes everything according to what you are using whether it is APA 5th or 6th edition, MLA, Turabian, or Chicago.

In addition to electronic tools, there are tips and ways of doing things that almost guarantee success. As a student, it is our responsibility to find and develop our own personal way of doing things. To have made it this far you have proven that you have experience in studying (or stuDYING for those who are inclined to cramming), writing papers, and passing projects and exams. What did you learn along the way about your educational habits? What educational techniques have you tried that have proven useful and you continue to do up to now? Also, look into the habits that haven't helped and instead have proven to make things harder. Looking at ones faults can be eye opening and lead to change. For me, I have found a few habits or ways of doing things that I just could not function without today.

Essential Studying Tips

1. Read with a purpose.

Rather than reading textbooks just to say you've read it, read it to understand. A simple trick you can try is to go over the reading or lecture objectives (my professors provided these) and keep these in mind while reading the chapters. The goal is to meet the objectives by singling out important text while ignoring the unnecessary side information that litters textbooks nowadays. Ask yourself what is important while reading and you'll soon find that you remember the important concepts come test day.

2. Study in the same location as much as possible.

For me I couldn't study at home as my TV and radio often proved heavy distractions. A messy house also meant for unorganized thoughts and these were always counterproductive. To focus on school I often ran away to the third floor of my school's library. I've had and continue to have long and highly productive work and study sessions in that little nook of the library. Something about that familiar location seems to get me ready to do work. Try finding your place today. Personalize it (I do not condone destruction of school property) and make it yours for years to come.

3. If your goal is to read bring as few distractions as possible

Leave the laptop and iPod at home. If you bring your phone, silence it. If you must bring your laptop, don't bring your charger. This guarantees against long youtube and facebook sessions that steal time away from studying. If you don't bring your charger your laptop dies that much faster and you are left to study that much longer.

Obviously these tools and tips aren't meant for everybody. Learning to be a good student is a lifelong task and everybody is different. I hope some of you can adopt some of my tips that I've learned along the way and I hope many of you will share your own tools and tips with me! As for now, try these out and let me know how they work!

This Rocks!!! Thanks!!!

Glad to share my knowledge guys/gals!

Great post forchunet. I've saved those pointers for my son who is about to enter college for pre-vet. He is the king of procrastination!

My daughter is a soon to graduate nursing student, and those hints would have really helped her during the last 4 years! High school really doesn't get you ready for nursing school!

Hang in there Cristel. You sound a lot like my daughter. Those students that seem like they 'get' it, when you don't, they are just better at the 'fake it till you make it' routine. Don't let them get you down. Try to find a study buddy. I know nursing school is very clique-ie, worse than high school my daughter thought. She met her best friend in nursing school when she was crying over a bad grade in the school bathroom, and her classmate comforted her. :) After that, they started studying together, and both their grades improved.

Cristel's suggestion to be a CNA is so true. My daughter didn't start work as a CNA till the summer of her junior year. Senior year clinicals were much less stressful because she was used to patient interaction and cares.

I admire all of you nursing students so much! Hang in there! You can do it!

Thanks forchunet for taking the time to posting these practical tips for us new nursing students.

i'm still in the early stages of my soon to be nursing career :nurse:...i'm just now taking prereqs for nursing school.

i know that everything that you learn starting from prereqs all the way through any nursing program is very essential ...however, i was wondering to what degree will we use all of the information from our prereqs once we begin a nursing program.....

i just know that it is alot of information.. don't get me wrong! i luv it :heartbeat and i'm learning all that i can now but i just was wondering are the professors in nursing programs going to expect you to remember all the minor details and every single thing that you learned from your a&p classes and other prereqs? will there be any room for review? are u expected to be a brain surgeon the first day of class??? :uhoh3:

The thing I would pass on to nursing students is to start REALLY looking for a job during your senior year. Talk to nurse managers on the units you luv and keep your options open. Dont wait till the last minute cause you dont need the added stress.. studying for the NCLEX is stress enough! :eek:

Thank you so much for your kind words and support.

Specializes in Pediatrics.

I'm definitely going to be needing all of this information soon :) Thank you so much! I'm hoping that the first semester won't be too hard on me..

Nice tips, some of them are common sense but we choose not to mind them and follow them, but a thanks for the remainder and reinforcement :)

i just know that it is alot of information.. don't get me wrong! i luv it :heartbeat and i'm learning all that i can now but i just was wondering are the professors in nursing programs going to expect you to remember all the minor details and every single thing that you learned from your a&p classes and other prereqs? will there be any room for review? are u expected to be a brain surgeon the first day of class??? :uhoh3:

well you'll use your a&p, but i know we kind of got a review of that in patho. but as for the other ones like.... anthropology?? lol no way :) just enjoy this time and make the most of the free time you have while you take your prereqs! good luck!

I am bookmarking this page. I start nursing in the Fall and am nervous as hell! Thanks for the tips:)

I highly suggest using the Care Plan constructor! I've been using it since day one of nursing school and have always gotten compliments on how great my care plans are. It's not rocket science...you just need to use your resources wisely;)