effects of auditory stimulation in reducing pain reaction of infant during IM inj.


i really need help with regard with our research work, can you pls help me on how to find journal or related studies with our research work; effects of auditory stimulation in reducing pain reaction of infant during IM injection

pls pls pls... i really need help :rotfl: :rotfl:

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.
i really need help with regard with our research work, can you pls help me on how to find journal or related studies with our research work; effects of auditory stimulation in reducing pain reaction of infant during IM injection

:balloons: Hello and Welcome to Allnurses.com:balloons:

This is a very sensitive subject. Here are a couple links about this holistic approach:



Good luck with this.

:balloons: Hello and Welcome to Allnurses.com:balloons:

This is a very sensitive subject. Here are a couple links about this holistic approach:



Good luck with this.

thank you very much

Best results that I have seen is with a sucrose preparation given on a pacifier just before the injection or blood draw. I haven't seen any changes with the sound or noise in the room.

Best results that I have seen is with a sucrose preparation given on a pacifier just before the injection or blood draw. I haven't seen any changes with the sound or noise in the room.

mam do you have a study about that? because if ever our panel will not accept our suggestion we may change it to the one using a pacifier..

I don't have it in front of me, but it is routinely used in pediatric facilities in the US. I work PICU and NICU, and it is used all of the time.

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.
mam do you have a study about that? because if ever our panel will not accept our suggestion we may change it to the one using a pacifier..

Hello again,

Try this link from the AORN:


And, this one:


thank you very much for the help, , , god speed..

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.


thank you very much for the help, , , god speed..

You are most welcome, rome. That is why we are here. To assist. :)

you can still post any information about this topic :)

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