Education for Nurses:Bowel Management


Hie guys

Could you please help me out need to do a protocol for work but have no clue what training needs staff need to manage this problem an advic is welcome.

Most of the protocol is done it's just that section: Training requirements.

Thank you

Specializes in most of them.

In our rehab unit I worked with SCI and brain injury so you can imagine we were as bowel obsessed as elderly people. Everybody without exception was on a bowel prog. We did however ask what the pt pre injury bowel habit was. If it was more prolonged

( I had one gentleman that only went every 5 days) we had to plan it that way. It is very hard to make the body do what it never did before.

Every one was on stool softeners. we worked from "above" with senna and colace and from "below" with minimeeze, suppositories and dig stim or if flaccid flushing enemas.:nurse:

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