

We are " Going Live " this May with Eclipsys. I will be helping my fellow nurses with the roll out. I asked the team if they had talked with any nurses from other hospitals who had used this system. Much to my shock our hospital spent millions on the word of the vendor. Does anyone have input concerning this computer documentation?

Specializes in Critical Care, Capacity/Bed Management.

Our hospital used to use eclipsys but it was phased out for a new system called Sunrise Clinical management which in my opinion is a much better system. Very clear and easy to chart and access orders/specimen transmitals.

With eclipsys, our version at least it was very hard on the eye (black screen with silver letters) and very complicated to navigate and if you were charting something lengthy and the computer crashed everything was gone.

Mind you this was four years ago so things might have changed.

That is very interesting. We use SCM for meds and orders "EMAR" . We will be logging on there to get to Eclipsys. There is allot of angst right now with the length of time to admit someone.

Specializes in Critical Care, Capacity/Bed Management.

Our problem is time of discharge from the system. They want us to D/C patient within thirty minutes of their actual discharge time and we all know things add up and you kind of forget.

I like SCM and maybe your facility will have an easier transition period than ours. One nurse had a nervous break down cause a patient did not recieve their 9AM meds from pharmacy. It was bad for the first week then things just settled down.

Specializes in Med-Surg.

I was under the impression that Sunrise and Eclipsys were basically the same program, just slight differences depending on the hospital. At my last job as a tech we used Sunrise for charting (the nurses used something else for meds and orders) and it was great. Took some getting used to, as does any new program, but it was very clear and easy to use. At my current job we use Eclipsys (honestly looks the same to me) and for the most part I love it. This hospital just starting using it about a year ago so they are still working out little things and constantly asking our opinion on ways to improve. It is very clear, easy to navigate once you get used to it, you clearly see a green flag when new orders appear so you don't miss anything and red flags for stat orders. The only thing I don't like is that when it comes to charting the M/S assesment you are limited to the 4-5 options they give you (i.e. mobility-bedrest thru walks frequently, with options in between). But otherwise, I think Eclipsys is great, but it will take some getting used to for everyone, even if you are computer savvy.

Specializes in Neonatal ICU (Cardiothoracic).

I believe you'll be using the newest version of Eclipsys: Eclipsys Xa. (Sunrise). It's actually pretty great. You can pull v/s from monitors with one click, and it's very user friendly. It's also easy on the eyes. My only problems with it are that it crashes hard once in a while (4 days at a time, once) and you have to input a password to save EVERY page. (You can't just save at the end.) Otherwise, it's very adaptable and easy to learn.

Thank you all so mush for the input. I wanted to talk with nurses who have used this program, not salesmen of the product. This information will help qualm the fears of some.

Specializes in med-surg, BICU.

just started using eclipsys xa at a hospital that i just started working at. its a great program once you get the hang of it. keeps all that charting nice and neat. writing notes is just basically doing a bunch of computerized flowsheets. makes I and O's so much easier. everything is just easier.

I used Eclipsys/SCM at a previous job. Once I got used to it, my main complaint was having to enter your password for every page instead of just entering it at the end of the assessment. Also, there were certain times that the system ran really slow. The slow times were usually worse in the last hour of the shift and was probably due to so many users trying to get all of their charting done by the end of the shift.

BTW, when we first changed to eclipsys I really hated it. Once I got used to it I really liked it.

When you go live it really helps if you can have extra people working so that everyone has a little lighter patient load. You will spend more time charting until you get used to the system. It really helps to have the extra people staffing for the first few days.

Anyway, good luck with the roll out and just keep telling yourself it WILL get better. Until then, please try to refrain from tossing the computer out of a window. :Crash:

Well, from the input it sounds like everthing is going to be fine, thank you all so much for your input. I will let you all know how the rollout goes.

At my facility, we have used Eclipsys [Clinical Sunrise manager] for 5 years now. If you have ever used computers before, you'll like it. If you are changing from paper to computer, you will have issues at first but you will have issues with any system. Eclipsys is very configerable. We are upgrading to 5.0 in June. The portion I don't care for is the KBC but it is backed by knowledge, so.... Eclipsys will supply you with contact numbers for any of their clients so you can built a support network. The thing with any computer system is that it is consistently changing. You are able to build the system to aid you in acheiving required teaching and regulations. The one thing I hope no one has told you is that is will speed you up. It slows you down!!! But if you think about it, anything you do for patient safety slows you down. Right down to putting on gloves. Good luck superuser. :nurse:

Specializes in Tele.
We are " Going Live " this May with Eclipsys. I will be helping my fellow nurses with the roll out. I asked the team if they had talked with any nurses from other hospitals who had used this system. Much to my shock our hospital spent millions on the word of the vendor. Does anyone have input concerning this computer documentation?

we use this in my hospital and I think it is great! very simple and user friendly.

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