Published Jan 22, 2013
190 Posts
I was wondering if anybody could provide a little insight on how large ebooks are in terms of their file size. I begin my grad entry program at Ohio State in June and I'm trying figure out what tablet would be my best bet. I'm torn between the iPad (have an iPhone and MacBook) and the Samsung Note (expandable storage, wacom technology for note taking). I do have the cushion to go up to the 32GB iPad, but only if it's truly warranted.
Thanks for the input!!
2,723 Posts
I have my fundamentals and med-surg on my iPad and it takes up 495mg.
Thanks! They don't seem to be as big as I was expecting. I was thinking they'd be 1GB+ each.
No problem. Yeah, they take up surprisingly little space, so a 16GB should be fine.
And I'm glad you understood my autocorrect. Obviously my phone is in nursing world :)