I was kind of surprised by the responses to the thread about whether or not it was mean not to offer your notes to a fellow classmate. I'm hoping the big issue here was that the person was not a friend but I'm still surprised at the comments that included hoping she doesn't get into the nursing program or giving her notes that were fake.
We don't know what her personal life is like and working night shift is tough my guess would be that she doesn't do it for the heck of it. Don't get me wrong there were more than a couple of lazy people in my class also but the majority of people that missed classes were working (like the person in the original thread) or had kids, illness, family problems etc. I really think that we need to be supportive of each other because who knows when we will have something come up and need to copy someone's notes.
I always figured my success didn't hinge on another's failure. Just my two cents but its so common to see comments about seasoned nurses "eating their young" that I think we should make note of when it starts.