Easter..Who works..who is cooking?


I have no plans for this Sunday. None. So, what is everyone else doing?

Specializes in Rodeo Nursing (Neuro).

Same as every weekend: sleep, work, sleep, work...sometimes wonder whether 3-12's is such a great idea.

Eh, well. My cats seem to be heathens, anyway. If they saw a bunny hiding eggs, they'd kill the bunny and ignore the eggs.

Like nursemike! LOL Work, sleep, work sleep. I'm off Saturday and I plan on baking something to take to work but I haven't decided what to bake. Usually what we do is eveyone brings something and we chow down if we get the chance. I work with a multiethnic group so the food is usually interesting and good! What are you doing barefoot??

Same as every weekend: sleep, work, sleep, work...sometimes wonder whether 3-12's is such a great idea.

Eh, well. My cats seem to be heathens, anyway. If they saw a bunny hiding eggs, they'd kill the bunny and ignore the eggs.

I sometimes work 4-12's in a row, then gripe about how "I'm not going to do that again." Then when the schedule comes out....I do it again! I love the longer stretches of time off.:typing

Happy Easter Everyone,

Well, I am so thankful on this Easter morning. Daughter in NC is on the mend, she is still having the ups and downs of diabetes but she is learning. SIL is doing very well in helping keep her and family on track.

I feel so sorry for the people who are experiencing the flooding, snow, and terrible weather in the mid-west. Daughter in Wisconsin is so tired of snow she says she can't wait to come home for the summer. Grandsons have booked their time here too.

Mike, cats eat rabbits. Don't be too hard on them. I hope you get a good meal and plenty of rest after your work days are completed. Blueheaven, I do understand about the long stretches off.

I was so proud of WVU yesterday. I called SIL and he knew I was going to tease him about Duke missing the net so much. He wants to come in for a football game or two. He wants to see either Woodrow Wilson, Riverside, or Parkersburg play a football game too. He says he has been following local sports and feels like these teams are much like his old school in Michigan. I went to a game or two at GD school and was blown away. Those guys do not play ball anything like here. Too interested in looking good, sucking on the water bottle, and listening to the IPOD. I took her to a local game last year, she really enjoyed herself, saw some old friends and said she missed the the sports fever here.

Well, once again, Happy Easter to everyone. I hope everyone has a blessed next few days.

Specializes in ICU, SDU, OR, RR, Ortho, Hospice RN.

Happy Easter to you all, church_glowing_sky_sm_nwm.gif?t=1206281514 church_glowing_sky_sm_nwm.gif?t=1206281514 church_glowing_sky_sm_nwm.gif?t=1206281514

Neither working or cooking.

WOW I think I have lucked up eh? :yeah: :yeah: :yeah:

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