Dx for pt without insurance


How would you write a nursing diagnosis for a patient who didn't seek treatment after a cancer diagnosis?

Basically my patient was diagnosed with breast cancer and a year later was admitted to the hospital with acute pain r/t abdominal ascites. They went in and removed the fluid as well as her ovaries but nobody ever came out and said that she had ovarian/uterine/cervical cancer (which is irrelevant in relation to the diagnosis I am looking for). All the nurses just kept talking about how she was diagnosed with breast cancer and never did anything about it, but it clearly said in her chart that it was because she did not have medical insurance.

I feel as though the diagnosis should be ineffective health maintenance due to a lack of health insurance AEB failure to follow up with diagnosis/treatment. but for some reason it sounds funny and I am not even sure if I am allowed to say that.


Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

your diagnosis is correct. in the nanda taxonomy the guideline lists "lack of material resources" as a related factor for this diagnosis. by stating it as lack of health insurance you are merely customizing it to the patient's situation. for the manifestation or evidence of this i would probably write it as "inability to follow up for treatment and medical care resulting in metastasis of the cancer to ____."

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