DUI still able to take nclex??


I'm currently finishing up pre-requisites to apply to a nursing program and I'm concerned about a prior DUI and how it will affect me sitting for my Boards. I have an Underage DUI misdemeanor in 2012, however, I sought out some legal advice and was told I could have the 2012 DUI expunged. I'm embarrassed to say but I have a 2nd DUI misdemeanor in 2014. However, both cases are closed and have been dealt with. Do you know of any other nursing students having this issue? Please if you have any information in regards to my issue and could get back to me I would sincerely appreciate it!

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Depends on the state you are applying to and what information they require and what you submit


I'm kinda in the same boat, I was convicted of a misdemeanor DUI in 2016, successfully completed my probation, and pulled myself together. if I finish my 2 year ASN program on time, I will be applying to take the NCLEX Dec 2019 and am also somewhat worried. Iive in Indiana and I know that those are things my state looks into before approving one to take the NCLEX. Idk what state you reside in, but I do know in Indiana, after 5 years one is easily able to get a misdeamor expunged, after which you are no longer obligated to disclose that info. So if you're just now entering nursing school the 2012 misdeamor (As far as I know) shouldn't be a problem. However, Idk how it works where you live, but in Indiana a second DUI is automatically considered a felony and takes 8 years to be eligible for expungement. But if you're attending a 4 year BSN program, once you finish, it will have been about 8 years meaning you would be able to get it expunged and (from my understanding) would not have to disclose it. So in Indiana I don't think it would cause you any issues. But as Silverdragon already mentioned, it all depends on the state in which you were convicted, as well as the state you plan to become liscenced in. I hope that helps!

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