Dubhoff insertion???


any tips on successfully inserting a dubhoff and causing it to go where it is supposed to go (the duodenum)???? thank you for any and all suggestions!!!! :idea: :kiss

Specializes in Med-Surg Nursing.

At the first hospital I worked at, the RN's placed Dobhoff's. We used a two step procedure. First inserting the tube to the first black mark(I thinK) on the tube, then obtaining a CXR. If the tube was where is was supposed to be, then we advanced the tube the rest of the way down--to where we had marked the tube ourselves. Then we got a second CXR. If, after the first step, the tube was in the main stem Bronchus the doc had to come and remove the tube. Once, while placing a dobhoff for a colleague as she had never done it, I put the tube in the pt's lung! The resident had to come and remove the tube, they got a CXR, pt had a pneumo and was transferred to ICU. I felt horrible but know that that is one of the risks of placing Dobhoffs.

I disagree with NurseDennie, I think that they are harder to place than regular NG's because you run a higher risk of placing the tube in the lung with the smaller bore tubes. The hospital I work at now, the Radiology doc places the dobhoff under fluoroscopy. Thank god for that!

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