Drugs - The Dead End


Specializes in medical and surgical.


Drug abuse is the problem of modern society which is causing a great danger to their who think about the future of our civilization. Drug addition is not only a widespread problem in western countries but is spreading rapidly in developing countries like Inida. Nowdays school and college campus have also become certain of drug abuse. Some try drugs just for thinks or fun and late they become addicted to it as a means of escape home their problems or sufferings but will worsen it or add to their sufferings. Actually those people try to try away home life.

Cocaine, Brown sugar, Ganja, Charas are some of the common drugs used by drug addicts. These drugs are smuggled from foreign countries Even a small quantity of drug costs thousands of rupees. Nowadays people depends on drug in order to solve their problems. The brain consists of million of brain cells or nerves. It is through these nerves cells thinking and falling are concerned on and by which brain messages are sent and received. Drugs can easily upset the delicate chemical balance of the brain.

One of the greatest dangers of drugs abuse is that a drug addict to uses sensation. High doses of drugs can damage the brain cells. Directly needles used have injecting drugs cause a bosses in veins. Some people having the habit of sniffing cocaine and other this causes damage to the tissues of nose and liver . Drug addicts are susceptible to premonia, tuberculosis, Malnutrition and weight loss. And an over doss can cause cardiac failure and death.

Government is now undertaking marvels to thick the spread of drug abuse. There is an anti-narcotic burier functioning activity in our country to percent selling and using drugs,. Thousands of people especially the younger generation. Are borne to drugs. Drug rehabilitation centers are functioning in many places. In these rehabilitation centers the drug addict are given props treatment so that they can retrain from drugs and come back to the normal life with the cooperation of their relatives by means of love and understanding. The drug kills a pension slowely making him suffer in the iby injects. The withdrawal symphores are sever painful and vilent. Such person should be hospitalized immediately. The government alone cannot present the rapid spreading of drug abuse, but the people or the society should also cooperate to present drug abuse and to save the yopunger generation and to save the future of country.

The media like new paper, television are now publishing and organizing programmes in order to make people avert had effects of drugs. Nowadays seminars in their required are being conducted in schools and colleges to make the students acvars of it. Many international underground organizations are behind the smuggling of drugs. Their profit run into carores of but at the same time they rain the liver if many innocent people. Useally many people especially the students are drawn into this habit without knowing. Many shop keepers and several underground agents brishi the students and encourages theem to take drugs. Such agents and shop keepers should be severly punished.Hipprcrales adi that" Persons in food health quickly lose their strength by taking furgatives medicines" from the it is clear that we should never try drugs.


Specializes in cardiac, ortho, med surg, oncology.

Is this a term paper?

It's not a problem just for modern society. Look up "opium" or "absinthe" sometime.

Is this a term paper?

I certainly hope not.

Specializes in medical and surgical.
Is this a term paper?
hi i am najad i only just passed out bsc nursing so lot of problem may seen

Najad, is English your second language? I'm trying to figure out what's going on here.

Specializes in medical and surgical.

yes my english is not too good but now i am trying to speak english

Okay, that makes more sense. Thank you. Do you have a question?

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