Published Jan 27, 2011
116 Posts
I have an odd sort of question... I went to get my first Urine Drug Test/ Pre-employment screen.The lady took me to the room, did a clean catch, and sat me outside. She said that I wouldn't continue
to the full physical unless I pass the drug screen first. Well, she called me back in and said that they needed
to send my specimen into the lab.
I know exactly what happened. I take Primatene, which has ephedrine in it, for athsma. Ephedrinetests positive for amphetamines from the research I've done. I did list the Primatene on the sheet
that asked me about any meds that I'm taking.
I've never done drugs. Ever. But I find myself worried because I can't remember if I spelled Primatene correctly on the darn sheet. Will this/would this be an issue? I think I may have written "Primeatene" because
that is how it is pronounced. I'm probably worrying for nothing, right? I dono... If it's listed, it shouldn't be an issue, right? Someone tell me it's going to be okay. I'm worried sick and afraid I'm not going to get this job
because of my stupid asthma med!
bumping it up! Worried...
lpnstudentin2010, LPN
1,318 Posts
I think you are fine
13 Posts
Next time, ask whoever prescribed the drug for you to write a note to the drug tester that you are taking a med that will make the test positive. The prescriber doesn't need to state what drug it is, or, if you want to state what med it is, ask the prescriber to state the drug. Hope it helps.
carolmaccas66, BSN, RN
2,212 Posts
Get on that phone and ring them and tell them you may have spelled it wrong, or call as soon as they open.
Do not sit there and worry yourself silly over something you can fix with one phone call.
rntobeme, it's not prescribed, it's OTC or I would have. Thank you though!
Carol you are genius! It wouldn't even have occurred to me. I swear I'm not thinking straight these days *shakes head* Thank you, thank you, thank you *HUGS*
43 Posts
You're fine. I also take Primatene tablets and have tested positive on the rapid screen. You will not have a positive on the lab test, though. Lots of things can give a false positive on the rapid tests, even ibuprofen can test a positive for opiates (I think it is opiates).
I did a senior research paper on these rapid tests. I think they are useless and they make you feel like you did something wrong (even when you didn't).
So don't worry anymore, you are fine :)
*hugs mmmc2* You are a beacon of light in my anxiety ridden mind. Thank you. I was hoping and praying someone would post something like this who has experience with it. I feel SO much better. I swear, I'm going to cry. I got myself all kinds of worked up thinking something would go wrong and I would lose this job. (It's my dream job, and I got it with no experience as a new grad). Thank you X a million. This is just what I needed to hear.
diane227, LPN, RN
1,941 Posts
I take medications that show up in a drug screen. In the past when I have had to take a drug screen I bring my pill bottles in with me so they can verify that I have a prescription from a doctor. In my case, as in yours, these are chronic ongoing meds that we use. And although they show up in a screen, it does not mean that by taking these medications we are potentially harmful to a patient. Now, if someone is using, let's say, a pain medication for a short period of time, they should bring that bottle in as well. They might have to have a discussion about when this medication is used and how often. But frankly, I have never had an issue as long as I can produce a prescription.
Mashira, I am so glad I could help :) Having went through it with my first drug screen, I know exactly how you feel...even though you have done absolutely nothing wrong. I was truly shocked when the gal who tested me said that my screen was positive for amphetamines. I literally almost fell over, no joke. I have never done any drugs in my whole life (and I am 38 years old) or even smoked a cigarette! So they sent it out and I had to wait a whole weekend for the results! Longest weekend of my life...Then they called and said it was fine.
So no worries! And congratulations on your new job
Came back negative today!! Thank you for all your help!